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Any opinions on Donald Trump?
So yea.. I just want your suggestion about him, there's no right and wrong answer.
Add me on kik:Senpaimike :D
He will never apologize for anything he does. He's 1# in the republican polls and people that are falling behind him are beginning to act out and say foolish things just so they can be talked about too. Donold trump is on the news 24/7 because he always has a juicy story to spoken about him.
He's corrupt but he knows what works.
Curious aren't you.
He makes derogatory comments towards mexicans and is very, very arrogant. Wouldn't be fit for a president.
Last edited by Soul; Aug 16, 2015 at 08:07 PM.
We've got a large pool of candidates to choose from this time. I'm going to vote for either Rand Paul or Scott Walker depending on how things go. Donald Trump is not a serious candidate imo, same as last time.

The conservative pool this time around isn't pathetic like it was in 2012, and the only serious candidate from the liberal pool seems like Bernie Sanders. It's very likely that we'll have a republican in the whitehouse, and my guess is that it won't be Donald Trump.
Pretty much the only thing that I like about donald Trump is that he reall doesnt give a fuck about what he says/does.But that trait in office wouldnt go very well imo
Trump has a very civilian vocabulary and understanding of politics. During the first Grand Old Party debate, I thought I accidentally switched to Last Comic Standing when he responded to questions and statements. Honestly, I think the only reason why he's leading in the polls is because he's outright honest when people ask for his opinions.