Original Post
Subscribing to a thread.
I'll make this simple and short.

I believe there should be an option to subscribe to threads and get notification via tb pm. I barely check my e-mail, and when i do i don't check for tb e-mails.

I know this could cause a lot of spam in inboxes, but people should choose carefully on which threads to subscribe to.

More than often i forget where i posted and where i need a reply. So this could help a lot.

Thank you for reading and please consider this.
User CP
Edit Options
Default thread subsricption mode
No email notification.

Every thread you post in gets subscribed to, and if you click user cp you will see all of them and what post is there.

User cp by default shows all the threads you have been subscribed to anyway.
You guys clearly do not understand what i'm trying to say.

What i want is a "Notification Type" that isn't by e-mail.
I want to get notifications from a thread i subscribed to via personal messages that show up here.
But.. why?
I guess you want subscription notifications to pop in pms, but it's so much more convenient to check the user cp.
See, to me it just seems like you don't understand the system. Do you know that subscribed threads go in your usercp, and that you can subscribe to entire boards?
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by jack9918 View Post
You guys clearly do not understand what i'm trying to say.

What i want is a "Notification Type" that isn't by e-mail.
I want to get notifications from a thread i subscribed to via personal messages that show up here.

I'm just going to point out that this has confused me for awhile many times before.
It should say something like, "no notifications", "Notify me", "Notify me with emails", etc
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post

Well yeah, i guess. I just wanted an option to get pm notifications. Can't beat me when it comes to laziness.
I was actually going to make a thread for this exact same suggestion eventually. It would be so beneficial to the subscribing-to-threads feature on the forums (which in my opinion, is quite tedious as it sits right now because it lacks this addition)
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
but it's so much more convenient to check the user cp.

Do people really do this regularly? I routinely forget that I'm even subscribed to threads. Often by the time I remember, the thread no longer means anything to me and I unsubscribe. I want to know the instant someone posts in a thread by receiving a notification

The ideal solution would be to add a "notify my via PM" to that Notification Type drop-down list, posted above.
Your pal,