Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
List of suggestions that would make life easy
  1. The ability to whisper people between different servers.
  2. A button to enter tournaments so you don't have to type /en
  3. Stackable items in your deactivated inventory
  4. Some sort of chart/graph telling you how the prices of an item have changed.
  5. Make it so when in a betting server you don't lose all your TC when a draw happens.
  6. Better rank system *cough cough*
  7. A simple app to browse the forums
That's all I got for now. I hope you put these into consideration. Thanks.
I couldn't think of a signature so i just put this here.
Going down your list:

1. each server has its own chat log. intermingling these could prove disastrous for everyone Framerate when someone's laggy server chat message takes 10 mins to reach a normal servers chat whisper box. Also if someone spams you from one server you could never escape it since they would just be able to do /wh (name) to you from wherever you are even if you exit the whisper.

2. This was already suggested and as I said before why when you can just type ./en. It doesn't take more than a second to do that. If your one to wait until the last min to enter than that's your fault.

3. this was already suggested. I suggest you visit that thread to find out how that conversation went.

4. I don't really get what you mean since torishop prices auto update when they are changed for whatever reason. If you mean market prices that updates as well if you just hit the refresh button for the page. if you mean something like how a stock chart works then idek because why you have need of that? I'm sure there is a reason but I don't see it rn.

5. I'm sure there is a reason that this happens but I don't remember off the top of my head ill update this one when I find out.

6. already done recently. its being modified as we speak to make it better for users. and there is a thread (a few actually) dedicated to this.

7. I don't see the need for an app to browse the forums when you can just use your phones browser like most people do. But I guess it would be for more "ease of access" Just be more descriptive of what you would want in such an app like what features, what you would have access to and things like that. I sorta support this.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
Originally Posted by EliMcFly View Post
I think the app would be a waste of 100 dollars a year. As for the other stuff, I think it is unnecessary.

I'm afraid your statement is incorrect. Nabi studios already has an IOS developer licence(See Minibash for IOS). Also Android(Google play) does not charge licencing fees(Not 100% sure on that though).

The ability to whisper people between different servers.
//Probably not going to happen for a few reasons.
1) People spamming cross server, so it would not even matter if they where banned in the server. Just use skype or some other alternative.
2) Would require an extensive rework of the ingame chat system, and to be frank. There are more important features needed.

A button to enter tournaments so you don't have to type /en.
Stackable items in your deactivated inventory.
//Already been suggested.
Some sort of chart/graph telling you how the prices of an item have changed.
//Meh. Prices don't change that much really :P
Make it so when in a betting server you don't lose all your TC when a draw happens.
//Can't say too much about this(I'm not an ingame dev)
Better rank system *cough cough*
//By this what do you mean? In-game ranking or clan system ranking. both have been suggested and highly discussed.
A simple app to browse the forums.
//This has also been highly suggested and I think someone was working on it back in 2014. I can't really remember though.

Last edited by Tuna; Sep 6, 2015 at 04:05 AM.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
most haave already been suggested, exept that tourney button. Why would you make 1button for tourney servers only? you can type /en as fast as you can say eki.
Originally Posted by Fates View Post
Going down your list:

1. each server has its own chat log. intermingling these could prove disastrous for everyone Framerate when someone's laggy server chat message takes 10 mins to reach a normal servers chat whisper box. Also if someone spams you from one server you could never escape it since they would just be able to do /wh (name) to you from wherever you are even if you exit the whisper.

To prevent spams, whispers between rooms must be only to to someone that have you in buddy list. About lagging, to make this work like global messages working with difference that its sended from specific chat tab to specific chat tab.
What i meant by the chart for the market was something like this:


And there is too much struggle using your phone to browse the forums. You have to keep zooming in and out and you keep missing buttons :P Just a simple app with bigger buttons would do.

And the button for tourneys would stop noobs from going "How 2 enter pl0x?"

As for the rest, you know more than me, so yeah.
Last edited by XNomadic; Sep 7, 2015 at 07:59 PM.
I couldn't think of a signature so i just put this here.
Originally Posted by Fates View Post
Going down your list:

1. each server has its own chat log. intermingling these could prove disastrous for everyone Framerate when someone's laggy server chat message takes 10 mins to reach a normal servers chat whisper box. Also if someone spams you from one server you could never escape it since they would just be able to do /wh (name) to you from wherever you are even if you exit the whisper.

2. This was already suggested and as I said before why when you can just type ./en. It doesn't take more than a second to do that. If your one to wait until the last min to enter than that's your fault.

3. this was already suggested. I suggest you visit that thread to find out how that conversation went.

4. I don't really get what you mean since torishop prices auto update when they are changed for whatever reason. If you mean market prices that updates as well if you just hit the refresh button for the page. if you mean something like how a stock chart works then idek because why you have need of that? I'm sure there is a reason but I don't see it rn.

5. I'm sure there is a reason that this happens but I don't remember off the top of my head ill update this one when I find out.

6. already done recently. its being modified as we speak to make it better for users. and there is a thread (a few actually) dedicated to this.

7. I don't see the need for an app to browse the forums when you can just use your phones browser like most people do. But I guess it would be for more "ease of access" Just be more descriptive of what you would want in such an app like what features, what you would have access to and things like that. I sorta support this.

I'm going to fill in some gaps because I'm just such a cool and helpful guy B)

4. Market prices change, but they really aren't random at all. People outbid and outprice, people underpay and overpay; it's a market. What would be nice is knowing which of these is occurring at any length of time.

5. Hampa doesn't like a lot of tc running around, it kills his profits.

6. He said a better rank system, not a newer one.

7. Take a month and only browse the forums on a phone, via browser. Understand the pain before you consider it to be an awful idea.
goodbye cruel world