Original Post
Sproojeh's Arts 'n Stuff
I got bored one day and started making heads, these are the fruits of my labors. I dunno about pricing so just suggest and I will say yes or no.

P.S. Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

P.P.S. I will periodically add more stuff.

^This baby is special to me. The price will be quite high, around 6-8K^


that first head reminds me wen i look at the trree branches outside for some reason.. hehe lol

Nice head though looks cool i would buy it if i didnt make heads myself and if it was red..
JaCk Is BaCk
That might be because I suck at photoshop so instead of using brushes and being gay (no offense if you use brushes), I go outside and take pictures of trees to use as tribals.
it is smexy :o oP im a hobo ...i live in a gutter and drink bee all day and im not poor
JaCk Is BaCk
How did you make ur spinning head anim come? Mine doesn't....
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
tapion, make sure that you're setting it for 60 or so frames and then when you save, make sure you name it something like "randomname.gif". Then, make sure you select the option "save as animation" after hitting ok.

Sproojeh, the first 'tree head'... just for kicks, try inverting it, and messing with the hue adjustment... it'd be interesting to see it in black and orange, or black and red or something.
Thanks again Novitech. And I would love to buy some head.... but I don't have texture item yet... and I'm making my own for sale ^^, but I feel urs are better :O GL selling.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home