Name (Real name):tyo
Belt:second dan
Why do you want to join:because this is a fun clan & values humour unlike those super serious clans all that matters to them is winning wars and dont tell me about other clans are also valuing humour & fun & stuf cause this is the clan of my choice
Past Clans:the abyss (the unofficial abyss with "the")and a few more that i forgot cause i took a long break back in 2011 or sumn(i cant even recall when i took the break)
Why did you leave your past clan?:bored
What can you offer? :dank kush & jokes(least funny in the world)
What underwear color?: shitstained..wait oh shit hold up(legit shat my undies a little)
If your Uncle Jack got stuck on an elephant, would you help your Uncle Jack off?:imma beat the meat out of that elephant(that sound wrong but the question is too XD),
also, this kind of elephant?
Invited by some one?:nah
Special Skills?:4hr boner & hot freestyles & not english
Are you a funny guy? Prove it:how does a duck opens an egg? he quacks it.. no? ok ill stop
Sp/mp replays:Below
Do you accept hipotibor as your lord and savior?:as long as there is no micro transactions then sure
aint nobody got time for proper punctuations
also feck english man