Secret Santa 2024


just a tip dude, size 6 and size 4 font doesn't make your app longer

aside from that, this was alright, after having a read
I vote yes
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
Originally Posted by nathanjw View Post
Why i want to join:
I was previously a leader of the NaNo clan. It died down, so i decide it was time to move on. Origin is a very skilled clan from what i can see, that is what i am looking for in a clan.

Toribash skills/experience:

I joined Toribash on my birthday June/7/2012. At first, I thought this game was gonna be impossible to learn.Never thought I would make it this far.activity wise, I am active every day. from what it looks like you will saywell that is incorrect.Forum activity I am on everyday. over the next few months i will hope to bring that up a lot.Apart from posting, I do read a lot of forums.Very skilled in ABD and i play some mushu.I trick/parkour to'

What i can do for the clan:
I can create textures or even edit for the clan. 25% of the textures i sell will go to the bank.

about me:
My name is Nathan i am from Indiana (UTC/GMT -4 hours) i am 16 years old. I specialize in Photoshop and Sony Vegas. Career wise, i wish to going the coding field of work.So basically Toribash is my life

other stuff:
purple monkeys run wild in the red forest
i put some replays in to

I enjoyed reading your app and i think you would fit in the clan.
My final vote is YES
Proud Council Member Of Origin
Originally Posted by Slaybelle View Post
Look at your PMs we will talk about it there
Nathan Jw's test results:

3 Games ABD: Slay 2 - 1 Nathan

3 Games Boxshu: Slay 3 - 0 Nathan

Replays attached. 1-3 are ABD 4-6 are Boxshu.

Personal opinion: In ABD Nathan has a fair amount of skill and body control. Could work on keeping balance and throws. In Boxshu tends to use overly aggressive moves that end up easily countered. Although after the matches I gave him a couple tips and he took them well and put them into immediate use. So it looks like he could improve fast.

My final vote is a yes, he took the losses well and said gg. Decent application, not the best. But seems to be a solid person that wants to be here and help out.

app wasn't that bad. Based the test, seems Pretty good at abd, unless the six is not him. I'll be neutral. Simply because I'm not sure if your active or not.
|Proud founder of origin|
Clan Squad|Event Squad<Biggems|Simga|
Got a clan issue? How about a App? pm me!
Zeus for Smod| I’m a god just deal!
The Brazilian (Dog) Godfather
Nathan has 3 yes votes 1 no vote and 2 neutral. He has the required 3 yes votes and we will invite you in as a trial member. Please look at our rules and guidelines thread and read them.
@Nathan as a trial member, we expect high quality of you.. but if you aren't active atleast once a day in 1-2 weeks then your kicked out. Not trying to be the evil strict member in the clan.

You may pass if you state why you will be inactive and for how long
Last edited by Mist; Sep 20, 2015 at 09:31 PM.
~#1 Shittiest Shitposter of TP 2016~
Ex Co-Leader of Origin
Hello Origin. My name is Aidan, but you can call me CoolCat174. I took interest in this clan while on the hunt for a strong, active clan, and you guys fit the description perfectly. I have met quite a few of your members in game and love to become part of your family.

I am a shy 14 year old boy (even though my voice doesn't sound the part), turning 15 in February. Although I am only a freshman, I have been invited to a college hosted math tournament, which dubbed me as one of the 20 brightest minds in the high school. My hobbys are baseball, netflix marathoning (I hear you judging), swimming, biking, and playing any fun game I can get my hands on. I am active on toribash almost every day, but, to be honest, I don't comment on the forums very often.

I have been playing toribash for around a month now. My favorite/best mod in toribash is Boxshu, but I am also experienced in Aikido. I don't know ABD very well, but I have been interested in learning it for a while. I sadly have no previous clan experience, but I am hoping that this will be a good start. I know my belt seem a bit low to be applying for such a powerful clan, but I feel like I truly am ready to take the next step in my Toribash "career".

My skype is: cool.cat174
Hope to talk to you someone soon!

"Purple monkeys run wild in the red forest"
Originally Posted by CoolCat174 View Post
Hello Origin. My name is Aidan, but you can call me CoolCat174. I took interest in this clan while on the hunt for a strong, active clan, and you guys fit the description perfectly. I have met quite a few of your members in game and love to become part of your family.

I am a shy 14 year old boy (even though my voice doesn't sound the part), turning 15 in February. Although I am only a freshman, I have been invited to a college hosted math tournament, which dubbed me as one of the 20 brightest minds in the high school. My hobbys are baseball, netflix marathoning (I hear you judging), swimming, biking, and playing any fun game I can get my hands on. I am active on toribash almost every day, but, to be honest, I don't comment on the forums very often.

I have been playing toribash for around a month now. My favorite/best mod in toribash is Boxshu, but I am also experienced in Aikido. I don't know ABD very well, but I have been interested in learning it for a while. I sadly have no previous clan experience, but I am hoping that this will be a good start. I know my belt seem a bit low to be applying for such a powerful clan, but I feel like I truly am ready to take the next step in my Toribash "career".

My skype is: cool.cat174
Hope to talk to you someone soon!

"Purple monkeys run wild in the red forest"

Denied. I can tell you didn't put much effort into this. If my members have some overwhelming desire to vote on you (they won't), I'll open this back up to discussion. Go look at the apps that got accepted and try again in 2 weeks.
I think I might be retired.