Originally Posted by Nagato9757 View Post
not exactly,

The Legends are voted discretely by unidentified people.

somewhere in Tori Legends part I saw a voting for who will be the next legend...
Running away...
Originally Posted by Superseba View Post
somewhere in Tori Legends part I saw a voting for who will be the next legend...

it was a guessing event where you had to guess who will be the next legends
Just do the same thing's the "legends" are doing, use that same play style and people will dick ride, make youtube vids of yourself, be cancerous on the forums or just make art that isn't a common theme on the forums. that's how I see it
I don't exist
How the others said, you have to do something for the community to be remembered. Sweex for example and Lagekilla (did i spelled it good?) are legends because they are the best replay makers ever in toribash so far. Solax is a legend because is a very old staff member and one of the best Admins here for long time so he obviously did good things for the community, phail also was a MSquad for very long time, he is also SMod so.

You have to do important things to be remembered in the future, that's why they are called LEGENDS.
look,legends is well known people,a d with uniche styles,largekilla,swexx etc.
if want to become legend,must do something to be well known,not necessarelly replay making,you can be artist,replay maker,good fighter,or do some support being it really useful
its not easy
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Originally Posted by FleshMon View Post
Do they get like an item or tc for becoming a legend?

Swag name colour on forum & ingame; e-peen +15; legend council get; and they can put in a request for 1 custom 3D item

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you