Considering the history of the racial slur in question, I wouldn't hold it against a black person to be offended by the use of the word, particularly by a white person. It's not like it's use as a derogatory term is non-existent anymore, it is still used as a racial slur among some people. Even if it's a term of endearment between black people, the connotation between a black person calling another black person that term is significantly different from a white person calling a black person that term. It's still a racial slur in the American lexicon, and it's only been a couple decades since systematic racism was "officially" outlawed.

Besides, it's not like it's a particularly special word to begin with. Any context where you would use it as a term of endearment can be replaced with a different word anyways.

I personally am not comfortable with any racial slurs, and I will make my discomfort on the use of those words clear when they are used, regardless of who uses them. Personal experience as a child experiencing teasing for my Asian heritage, and outright discrimination for my mixed background, gives me a low tolerance for any use of racial slurs.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
white people have this misconception that the n-word is a term of endearment. it's not.

babycakes is a term of endearment.
sugarpie is a term of endearment.
nigger is not.

slavery might not be happening anymore and jim crow might be gone—but when a white person uses the n-word casually, it's a reminder of the powerful oppression that once was (and still is, to a lesser extent).

the n-word is the only thing in our culture over which Black people have exclusive domain. all Black people know (and damn near all white people understand) that any use of the n-word by any other race other than Black people (Hispanics have been given somewhat of a pass with using the word) is socially unacceptable simply because the n-word has historically been used as a term for power and oppression over an entire population of people which literally lasted hundreds of years.

the use of the n-word amongst Black people is really a reminder to the dominant society that all the power that word once had—the dehumanization of an entire population for hundreds of years—has now been completely stripped away. using that word is the one thing a Black person can do that a white person cannot do in a social setting.
Originally Posted by Pidgenere View Post
You can expect blacks to be mad when whites say it.

White people lost that privalege way back when they decided that they were gonna do what they did to the black race.

that's racist

anyway, this has become a discussion on the use of the word "nigga" for some
reason, as if the discrimination of black people is the only form of racism :r

humanity is just genetically racist, it's not until someone is demeaning a particular
group or person that people take notice of it
and race is just a social construct that people use to label people with different
Last edited by ThePirateKing; Oct 11, 2015 at 11:07 PM.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
"humanity is just genetically racist, it's not until someone is demeaning a particular
group or person that people take notice of it"

You can't be "genetically racist", racism is a dogme, an ideology claiming people that look differents are not from the same "race" and people from "different races" (ie. not looking the same), behave according to his/her race... the ideology also claims that some races are superior to others and shouldn't mix.

Racism is fundamentally stupid, we're not genetically pre-disposed to stupidity ; racism is a social matter, not a biological one, and the main cause is ignorance.
Originally Posted by HiPower View Post
the use of the n-word amongst Black people is really a reminder to the dominant society that all the power that word once had—the dehumanization of an entire population for hundreds of years—has now been completely stripped away. using that word is the one thing a Black person can do that a white person cannot do in a social setting.

So the power the word has has been allegedly stripped away, but it's wrong for anyone but black people to use it?

Anyway, I don't really think that referring to white people as "the dominant race" is really help the whole race scene. Everyone is equal.

Not all black people were slaves, and not all white people owned slaves. Please read what I wrote earlier in response to slavery.
I think I might be retired.
Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
So the power the word has has been allegedly stripped away, but it's wrong for anyone but black people to use it?

Anyway, I don't really think that referring to white people as "the dominant race" is really help the whole race scene. Everyone is equal.

Not all black people were slaves, and not all white people owned slaves. Please read what I wrote earlier in response to slavery.

not the power of the word, slavery (is what he said).

white people are literally the dominant race though. probably not the right word though, maybe most prominent? we're of course referring to america.

what does someone not owning or being a slave have to do with racism/the word in question being offensive? going back to your example, you make it seem as if you've been through the situation where you literally said "black people were slaves" and someone get offended and angry at you for it. if this is the case that person is objectively stupid. but, if this is not the case then what you are saying does not happen often at all. I can't think of anyone who would be offended by that statement unless the context is that you brought up that statement for no reason but to be an asshole. that's not a topic that comes up in casual conversations.
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
Originally Posted by mwah View Post
what does someone not owning or being a slave have to do with racism/the word in question being offensive? going back to your example, you make it seem as if you've been through the situation where you literally said "black people were slaves" and someone get offended and angry at you for it. if this is the case that person is objectively stupid. but, if this is not the case then what you are saying does not happen often at all. I can't think of anyone who would be offended by that statement unless the context is that you brought up that statement for no reason but to be an asshole. that's not a topic that comes up in casual conversations.

I'm this discussion, there seems to be a correlation between slavery and the word nigga being offensive. I was addressing that.

I agree that the subject matter I was referencing is not common, but I've had that or a similar conversation with a few black counterparts. I was bringing it up more to point out the ridiculous connotation my counterparts have assumed. It might simply be a viewpoint accepted in my small corner of Arkansas, but it's the only experience I can use.
I think I might be retired.
Language is a powerful instrument and most people are not aware of the fact that all meanings can be changed by the way you use language.

If you give a word the power to offend you, you are giving someone more tools than necessary to hurt you. Be offended by the meaning of a message and the manner in which it gets delivered, not by politically incorrect words.
If you choose to be offended by the word rather than what the person is actually saying you are giving up a lot of power.

Language is a tool of communication. Learn to use it.
The black community did that by starting to use the offensive word “nigger” in a positive manner, thus making it lose its negative power.

Example: Most handicapped people I know don't get offended when they are called retarded, cripple and stuff like that, as long as it is not said in a disrespectful manner.
They accept the fact that they are challenged in that regard and that being offended by someone pointing it out is a waste of time. If, however, someone is indicating that being a cripple makes them a less valuable human being, they have every right to tell that individual to fuck off. See the difference between being called a cripple and being told that being a cripple is something bad?

If you learn to use language in such a manner you are going to become a strong individual with the ability to manipulate the meanings of words in a fashion that benefits you.

If you don't… well go fuck yourself, idiot.
How are you?
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
"humanity is just genetically racist, it's not until someone is demeaning a particular
group or person that people take notice of it"

You can't be "genetically racist", racism is a dogme, an ideology claiming people that look differents are not from the same "race" and people from "different races" (ie. not looking the same), behave according to his/her race... the ideology also claims that some races are superior to others and shouldn't mix.

Racism is fundamentally stupid, we're not genetically pre-disposed to stupidity ; racism is a social matter, not a biological one, and the main cause is ignorance.

Unconscious racist predisposition are near impossible to get rid of apparently. I don't care if you discriminate between people by stuff like race as long as you do what you can to avoid doing it and don't try to make such bias justifiable rationally. If you only meet clever asian people, you can't always help initially assuming that an asian person will be clever. As long as you recognise that you only think that because of your racial bias then I can't see how anyone can think you're in the wrong.
I think that racism can be addressed as much by a better understanding of themselves as a better understanding of others.
Last edited by Zelda; Oct 12, 2015 at 03:48 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Good morning sweet princess
Also, I'd like to add something to Redundant's post.

"The black community did that by starting to use the offensive word “nigger” in a positive manner, thus making it lose its negative power. "

And thus, not being black and using that word the same way black people would, instead of deminishing them and carrying on the oppression, is in fact the opposite : it's demonstrating the will to be a part of that culture/community, identifying yourself as being a part of the same social group, even if you do not share the same skin color. It's breaking barriers.

That's how language and social acceptance work.

Edit :


"[...] As long as you recognise that you only think that because of your racial bias then I can't see how anyone can think you're in the wrong."

I don't think that's a thing tho, once you've uncovered your bias you're not subject to it anymore. I've never heard/read anyone saying "I think all asian people are clever, and I know for a fact that's wrong, but I think they are". It's all about ignorance and social environment.
Last edited by deprav; Oct 12, 2015 at 03:59 AM.