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[S] TC for PayPal
Cold999's TC SHOP

Oh! Hey there!

Stumbled upon my TC shop I see; well, luckily for you, this TC shop has one of the best prices on the market to date!

Current stock: 263,750 TC
Rate: ~Flexible~

PM me or post here to negotiate a price; please, no low-balling, and no, I don't accept anything but PayPal.

- Less rep goes first. (Which will probably be me)
- You must have some form of reputation (e.g. Black belt, long time on the forums, customization, member of a respected clan, etc...)
- You must send the money as Family/Friends on PayPal or else I reserve the right to cancel the transaction.
- Along with the money, you must send a note stating the amount you are buying, and that it is a non-refundable transaction for Toribash ToriCredits.
- I reserve the right to deny anyone any transaction.
- No buying in tiny amounts.
- Bulks may get a discount.

Originally Posted by danish25 View Post
how much per rate
maybe 10$

Per rate, unless you mean per dollar?
I don't seem to know what you mean.

I sell per dollar, e.g (10k/$) means you pay $1 for every 10k, etc...