Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[Textures] My new set is finished!
Here it is guys, i kinda like it but i'd like to hear what you think about it, and maybe collect some suuggestions if you have..feel free to say whatever you think.

It looks awesome but the only reason(s) it could use a lil work is because:
1. The set is in general toom symetrical
2. Shins = thighs flipped up.
<Hanz0> Crush his hopes and dreams in the palm or your hand.Doitdoitdoit ;D
actually i was thinking to add some kinds of boots on legs, you are right about it and maybe i'll chanhe one of the clamp with a hand..but i'm kind satisfied of it.
your sets are all starting to look the same, try something a little different next pl0x
otherwise its a decent set
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
@BenDover: yes...maybe you are right, i have to try someting different, tough i think this kind of "suits" fit very well on toribash carachters.
Thanks for your opinion, I'll keep it in mind.
it does, no doubt about that, id just like to see a "few more weapons in your armory" there are other styles that work well for tori, try something more vector looking rather than beveled
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-