the lack of my Penis. rivals ofphridge's
Last edited by OfPhailure; Dec 6, 2008 at 10:03 AM.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
Originally Posted by sKiTZaLIk View Post
I will try to make a story i am quite a good story writer

That's good to hear. Only problem is, this competiton is over unless we restart the whole thing (practically impossible).
Originally Posted by sKiTZaLIk View Post
O crap i feel stupid

nah, dont worry. Nevermind, also there was no way you could have done a better story. Coz mine was just way too awesome and cool
Clan Sigma Council
BnW Member
Nonono, my story was teh win!

The only problem is that I wrote it in 5 min and the competition was allready over.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
Ok >.< the dreamer is here deal whit it ! (hope i can still write un !)

Once upon a time........when the sun was shining....when there was no moon,no darkness...,no beasts ( just wait...mwahahahah)......

An little alliance has formed the name of the alliance was......"The brother hood of drakness"

The brother-hood objective was to re-animate the dark lord of the chaos...the.....ONE

The brother-hood was formed by...only...two peoples....Ofphailure and Offridge

But alot of peoples entered in the brotherhood......after...the One was alive....And this is were the story starts...

Ofphailure's trainer died (of cancer lol XD) stabed by an thug.....he promised that he will revenge his trainer by revieving the ancient lord of darnkess.
But....before revieving the lord,he needed to find the Darkness Crystall...whitout it,the dark lord could not be revieved (Reminds me of Dragoon)

"Ehhhh so finnaly this day is here,the day......that i lived for..." sayd Ofphailure
"Oh,so you waited for this ? ok now what the hell do we need to take for our...journey..?" asked Offridge
"Just prepare two raptors ! I will take what we need !" (more fantasy,so it should be great)

Ofphailure disspared,and he go (erm...go..goed...oh well i don't know the word) at an shop

"Erm...i wanted to buy an Plasma sword...are they in the stocks ?"
"Sure,it is 10.000 TC"
"But...i have...only 1000"
"Well than get 9000 and deal..."

Ofphailure taked alot of useful and unuseful things whitout giving the TC and he runned


When he reached back to Offridge he jumped on a raptor and GO !

"So sir,did you taked that weapons ?"
"Lol,i taked alot of sticky-cheap stuffs...we will take a look at em when we reach in Kha'har...

The journey is long....and it just started...
After 3 or 4 hours the raptors were hardly moving...

"Eh,let's make the camp here for now i see that the raptors are tired" sayd Ofphailure

So they maked the camp and they taked a look at what Ofphailure stealed from the shop :

Plasma swords,Acid bow,Marine arrows,Marine shields,Void armors...and alot of other things

"Wow,nice things,i like the Acid bow..." sayd Offridge
"Eh ? ok,take it hope you are good at archery"
"Ohhh yea ok thanks..."

IF ya liked it i can make part two...
Centuries Of Damn