Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[tex] I did a thing



Meh (2015)

Last edited by Jack; May 17, 2018 at 05:46 PM.
jack9918 go away you wont get atention!
btw it looks like u were drunk while drawing those heads.. just go home m8..


The thing is that you did it on you'r mouse, so yea you need a kinda attention, if i tried to do something like that on my mouse it would be fkd up.
Also buy a tablet
I don't play this game anymore. Message me on Discord.
I'm diding another thing, tips and tricks would be kewler.
Still don't have a 512 head texture, so no previews, and the head i'm drawing will be on hold 'till i get one >.>
Last edited by Jack; Nov 12, 2015 at 06:43 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Kk, just bought a 512 head, updated pics.

/o/ would like suggestions for the green guy i'm drawing currently, creative ones would be kewl.
bam, totally rip green ogr dude, never going to finish it prob.

But in the meantime i drew this.

le head

As usual, Sai, mouse, took around 2-4 hours, i don't keep track of time.