Originally Posted by Hayuboki View Post
Off topic but boy gee are you dumb. An adults life is more important than a childs? I'm pretty sure they aren't calling kids the new generation for nothing.

Yeah, I never said an adult's life is more important than a child.
Adults are more productive members of society,
and also kids take a long time to develop and go to work and better the economy, don't they?

They're called the new generation because they're millennials, and were born in an era of technology, not because they are any more valuable than an older human being.
it is water after all. if he's gonna jump he'll survive, drowning's the problem
exept when it's a bridge over the road xd
if this happens ^ a person's dead carcass will probably hit a car and cause traffic problems or so, maybe more lives will be taken.
unless it lands on the back of a pick up truk
Originally Posted by SuicideDo View Post
We're not allowed to prevent suicides on the forums.

That would be backseat modding.

*m iddlefinger*

Last edited by Lust; Nov 10, 2015 at 11:40 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by eki27 View Post
it is water after all. if he's gonna jump he'll survive, drowning's the problem

You really didn't pay attention in physics class did you.
Look it up. If someone falls from a bridge the moment they hit the water,
It is possible that, in many cases, it is the impact that kills you, as hitting water at sufficient speed will subject vulnerable body parts, such as the head, to severe deceleration forces that could potentially be fatal (through, for instance, causing a broken neck, leading to a basal skull fracture and severing of the spinal cord from the brain stem, as in the case of execution by hanging, or high-speed frontal impact car accidents).
[Not taking into account air resistance.]

indepth shit

Last edited by Oxide; Nov 10, 2015 at 12:59 PM.
Originally Posted by iMatrx View Post
You really didn't pay attention in physics class did you.
Look it up. If someone falls from a bridge the moment they hit the water,
It is possible that, in many cases, it is the impact that kills you, as hitting water at sufficient speed will subject vulnerable body parts, such as the head, to severe deceleration forces that could potentially be fatal (through, for instance, causing a broken neck, leading to a basal skull fracture and severing of the spinal cord from the brain stem, as in the case of execution by hanging, or high-speed frontal impact car accidents).
[Not taking into account air resistance.]

oh hey eki let me show you this thingy i found on google to break your head and contradict your mockery of a post but to mostly break your head

i forgot them, i pay attention at class , Physics was our topic last year though and yes, i was just joking. Seems that you're too serious, it was posted in offtopic after all, i dont take offtopic seriously :^)
Yeah, the impact of the water will be most likely to get him/her at a hospital or a the cemetary, since for every action there will be a reaction. But hey, it will depend on the first body part to hit the water, if he/she hit head first, gg etc. if he/she didn't get what suicide meant and thought it was just to dive at the water and he jumped diver style like hands stretched and hands stretched, it'll be unlikely for him dying. If he/she bellyflopped, at least he/she understood the concept of suicide )o(
um, no? why would you let them do it, only hoping they don't die?
obviously, most suicide attempts done by men are successful,
suicide attempts done by females are less lethal.
Originally Posted by kittykut View Post
let them do it, they will most likely not succeed, help them afterwards. near death experiences can be good

And if they do it? Then you are an asshole.