Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Aight so Aeon's sixth anniversary is coming up (Nov 18th, 2009)

I was thinking we put the 128k in our clan bank to good use and make a few ingame events

my first idea was hosting 6 tourneys over the course of either one or two days, with increasing prizes

Banners are a good option but... ridiculously expensive. 100k for one one week. with out 100k limit on the clan bank that is nto feasible (unless someone is feeling generous) so I was thinking about setting aside 5-10k for each tourney to be used on globals. so if we need to only global once for each tourney, then that would be 30k, or if we wanna make sure we can global twice for each, that would be 60k.

Next up is the prizes, if we do six tourneys with increasing prizes, i think we should include item prizes for the earlier tourneys. maybe even only have a first place. so here is what I came up with:

let's assume we set aside 5k for each tourney in globals
Clan Bank total:
-30k (globals) thx abyss
-18k (first event)

That would leave us with ~110k for pure TC prizes. we can also throw in some items from our deactivated inventories to spice it up.
TheAnimal offered to give away his hair and glasses items, and we could probably use some low-qi items as well.

Dark Duke and Deal With It are both around 11k market value, both are available twice so that gives us 44k in tem price value

additionally Chirs would be willing to offer a Minihawk which has market value of 6k, a Skull Necklace for 75k market value, a Santa Beard for 5k and a Barbed Wire for ~13k

for a total of:
Deal With It x2 (TheAnimal)            +22k
Dark Duke x2 (TheAnimal)               +22k
Minihawk (Chirs)                       + 6k
Skull Necklace (Chirs)                 +75k
Santa Beard (Chirs)                    + 5k
Barbed Wire (Chirs)                    +13k
Total                                   11k
That's looking very nice already!

Now on to what kind of events we plan on hosting:

I was planning on hosting SIX events of varying typed, one for each year that Aeon is alive

my idea was to do more than just plain GMtourneys
we could for example do a Hotseat event in konybeta.tbm (the one where the kid runs off and tori chases) and give out for example 5k for each winner until the runtime runs out or we reach our maximun of allocated prizes for that event. additionally we could seperate a small fund of extra TC to give away as wildcard prizes for whoever makes us laugh the most.

With these amoutns of prizes we could also host one or two forum events, such as "AEON is what YOU want it to be!" where we could reward whoever creates the best Clan Picture/video of Aeon.

There is so many ideas that I will just start listing them now, we can think about allocating the prizes later

This is what I came up with so far:

Ingame Events:
A konybeta.tbm Hotseat
participants run away from Aeon members (hotseated) and whoever reaches the tent or manages to overpower his follower gets a small TC prize like 5k. We would allocate a pool of let's say 30k to this event and host either for 2-3 hours or until the 30k run out. We could also switch whoever is hotseated to allow for even longer host time.

inspired by how abyss joined Aeon. we set up a server with a few of our most prominent members (such as TheAnimal, NotShadow, Skylar, Abyss, threedog2, Chirs, etc) and challenge people to try and beat them all in a row. The challenger will be hotseated and the rest of the server spectates as he will face the Aeon Members. If he loses once, he's out, and the next one may try.

A joustguillotine.tbm Tourney
An homage to one of our most loved mods back in the day. A standard tourney with prizes for first and maybe second. we could also do trivia about Aeon and generally have tons of fun.

Race TheAnimal!
A ONE CHANCE-esuqe event where people have to beat TheAnimal in that funky racecar mod to earn prizes and worldwide fame.

Forum Events:
Some kind of creative event
for example "AEON is what YOU want it to be!" where we challenge peopel to create the best song/picture/video that describes Aeon using anything they want. It could be a collage of screenshots, a nightmare inducing collage of our real face (god no) or a clan video/clan image.
We could have our artsy members be the judges.


Last edited by Chirs; Nov 14, 2015 at 10:13 PM.
Don't worry about globals if I'm available, I can deal with those.

As for the events, nice ideas. I'd say rename the race one against Animal to something like 'Fastest In TheAnimal Kingdom!' or something as such. Prizes will be another thing I'll have a dig around for, since I can add straight tc or items if I have any spare.
I'm a game developer for other games.
Ping me if you have a query or general question unrelated to this game.
Originally Posted by Abyss View Post
Don't worry about globals if I'm available, I can deal with those.

As for the events, nice ideas. I'd say rename the race one against Animal to something like 'Fastest In TheAnimal Kingdom!' or something as such. Prizes will be another thing I'll have a dig around for, since I can add straight tc or items if I have any spare.

The names are placeholders right now anyway

can you still global for free? are you sure it would be okay to abuse that?
I am pretty sure I can still global without cost, and it wouldn't be abusing it - I would be using it for an events cause, which already happens anyway.
I'm a game developer for other games.
Ping me if you have a query or general question unrelated to this game.
I can be active for this if you tell me whats going down, I do have exams coming up so I do need to manage time wisely
we can have the whole event like it is aeon week and perhaps even put up a banner for it for a whole week (or also a week before so people know about whats happening before its happening) so we can do all of our stuff within that week while also giving people notice beforehand.
I think alot of people on the forum may want to join in on this and besides, itll be alot more fun with those we sorta know from the forums rather than random ingame guys.
Last edited by Skylar; Nov 13, 2015 at 05:21 PM.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
Originally Posted by Skylar View Post
I can be active for this if you tell me whats going down, I do have exams coming up so I do need to manage time wisely/

we will be coming up with a precise shedule soon enough

we still need a sixth event however, at the moment we only have 5



Day 1: 18th November (Wednesday)
0:00 GMT (midnight)
Start of the forum event: "AEON - ALL YOUR ART IS BELONG TO US"


Day 2: 19th November (Thursday)
?:00 GMT
The joustguillotine.tbm Tourney: "Back to the roots!"


Day 3: 20th November (Friday)
?:00 - ?:00 GMT
The konybeta.tbm Hotseat: "Friday the 13th 20th!"


Day 4: 21st November (Saturday)
?:00 - ?:00 GMT
The racing tournament: "The fastest thing in TheAnimal Kingdom!"


Day 5: 22nd November (Sunday)
?:00 - ?:00 GMT


Day 6: 23rd November (Monday)
?:00 - ?:00 GMT
The Aeon & Friends lounge: "THE GRAND AEON CROWNING CEREMONY!"


Day 7(FINAL): 24th November (Tuesday)
?:00 GMT
Start of the Aeon & Inq Seekrit Santa Event!

to be expanded upon. a few notes:

I shedules TheAnimals event on a saturday (weekend) because we all know how busy TheAnimal is during the week. Tell me if that's okay for you. The other issue is the exact times at which we host these ingame events. I would like some input from NotShadow as to what time would suit you best.
Last edited by Chirs; Nov 13, 2015 at 06:14 PM.
How about an event where WE profit from?

Like best drawing of whole Aeon Team or Logo or whatev shit gets a prize.
we don't need to profit from this event, thats the complete opposite of what we plan to do
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
Originally Posted by Cobra View Post
How about an event where WE profit from?

Like best drawing of whole Aeon Team or Logo or whatev shit gets a prize.

also, the art event will of course lead to many great aeon arts.