Name: Ryan
Date of Birth: 2000
Location: Illinois USA, central time zone
Prime Language: English
Secondary Language: Bahasa
Belt: Black Belt
Alt.Accounts: none
Preferred Mods: Wushu, Mushu, Aikido(ABD, Greykido)
Previous Clans: Sil3nt
KBiography: Facebook-Ryan, Phone-8667404531, [email protected]
Why I want to join: I feel I'm good enough to join an actually good clan
What I can offer the clan: the wars are my specialty
Any replays?
Also that isnt a very good reason to join a clan
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
Hmm since you're a blackbelt without alts I'll need something more than words to guarantee your warskils, I'll see if I can find you ingame.
Nothing is as beautiful as mediocricy
we also need an activity guarantee, once you don't tell us that you'll be inactive, you're kicked (in game or forum, or even both)

I'm neutral right now, so you can speak indonesia ?

Discord : bintangfal
Waiting for tantoe to report about his ingame skills.
Im curious about your secondary language, can you show me some sentence in indonesia, without GT though.
u wot m8
i dont see any effort in this app.your reason to join is not good tbh and 0 posts ? wtf.
no lmfao
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Erm actually, I don't rly care about postcounts (remember, that tantoe joined with only 3 posts) besides, he can help us with wars and stuff, like greatone for example, he rarely post in our board

Discord : bintangfal
mmh k lets see if he is good enough and then decide
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Nuetral waiting on further info from Tantan aswell
Stay humbility and you will shake it til you make it ;)
Mmm I'm likely just bored