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Currently, there's a hard-line attitude amongst staff against any usage of the word 'nigger'. Use it and you'll get infracted or banned. I've been cleared to start an open discussion on this rule, and if enough people agree then this rule might change.
My argument is that context is everything. It doesn't matter that you use the word, what matters is how you use it. There are certain contexts in which somebody might use the word when they aren't using it to offend anyone. For example, a friend might say to another friend "What up, my nigger". In the context of that usage, I'm sure nobody actually believes there's any hatred behind that word, nobody believes that guy is being racist to his friend. How can we tell that? We can tell by the context.
Should we be banning and infracting people for racism in situations when they clearly aren't being racist? Racism is all about being prejudiced. My point is that if there's no prejudice behind the usage of the word (which you can determine by the context it was used in), then it's not racist to use it. It then follows that we shouldn't punish people for racism when they're not being racist. I'm calling for common sense moderation of the word, instead of censorship.
What are your thoughts?
rather than label the word to racism then, we'll categorize it into insulting other members or inappropriate language. because the problem seems to be the reason why these people are being banned or infracted rather than the word itself. censorship, that's a good one. everyone has free speech, no one is saying this word is banned or blacklisted, but with free speech comes consequences. people have been told for years, if you're going to use this word, use it in a private server amongst friends. if you get reported for saying 'nigger' joking or no you're going to get a punishment.
"muhhh political correctness why can't I say whatever the hell I want without repercussions??" because that's not how the world works and you know it. the majority of cases of people saying nigger in game or on the forums have almost always been used as an insult, to call it racism is incorrect and there lies the problem. from now on, we as staff should label actual racism cases as racism and insulting/harrassment as such, even if racial slurs are being used.
I'll agree, just saying the word isn't racist. but it is generally deemed as offensive or used in an insulting manner. even in jokes, these jokes are in poor taste using this word. let's face it, it's a trigger word and not everyone is okay with logging in and seeing a bunch of nigger jokes. it's about what's best for everyone. on one side, those who want to use the word for jokes are restricted to using it privately. on the other, those who don't want to see that word be brought up do not have to see it publicly.
is there any issue with that?
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That's true buddy.
But then again it's true of any word, for example was I being friendly when I called you buddy, or trying to belittle you and be condescending?
Unless you can show that nigger has a unique property that causes such ambiguity, I don't think there is any reason to ban it because of that.
the word isn't banned, read above.
when one want's to make it obvious they are being sarcastic and condescending in text they will do so in the most obvious way possible, as ele and you do sometimes when you post. the word doesn't have a unique property, but it's generally more clear when it's a joke and when it's not.
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In my experience, whenever I've seen people use the word "nigger" or "nigga" in game, a person or multiple people will jump on them with "that's racist, reporting" -- in an immature, childlike way. From what I can tell, most people aren't actually offended, but will jump at the chance to piss someone off just because the word is banned and be used against them. I've hardly ever seen the word be used in the "correct racist context", but it gets called racist every time because it's a banable word.
I personally think the word "nigga" being banned for racism is wholly ridiculous. Not only do blacks call each other nigga, but I've seen many instances of whites using it with blacks with no problem. I don't think this word has ever been used in an actual racist, offensive context. If someone fully intends to be a racist, hateful fuck, they're not gonna call a black person a nigga. It'll be nigger.
So yes. Context is everything and at the very least, nigga shouldn't be banned.
yes you can get banned for saying the word nigger, you can also get warned an infracted. at this point it depends on the moderator, but as of late it has been brought up that these types of words should have an across the board way of being handled.
also, restrict the discussion to the root word: "nigger" the slang term created from this is an entirely different beast. let's focus on this, as I'm sure if there is an announcement both words will be touched upon.
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Why should you get offended by this word?
Most people that use it ingame or in IRC say it to crack jokes I know trust me I've been there when someone calls me a nigger I never got mad there was always someone who does not like the word or is offended by it even though people don't like the word IT IS STILL THERE plus you cant change the fact kids(10-13) will still use it and yes there has been a lot of complaints from people to staff but that's there problem if you cant deal with the word being out there then why should you even complain?
why should you get offended by anything? just because you personally don't get offended doesn't make that person right to call you a nigger in an insulting manner. if you weren't offended then you probably didn't report it. this is for the people who are offended when being insulted with the word nigger, or the people who don't want to see people saying this word publicly when logging in to the forums, or in-game.