Original Post
Pov ray
Im trying to upload textures to the tori in the image

so far ive
  • Gotten the image i want
  • changed the .inc to realtori
  • and now im at:

Now just tell me what to enter
(i highlighted whats yellow)

/************************************************** ********
Include file for Toribash PovRay exporter (
Radisity Include. Made for Toribash 2.1
By [Ark]DaMehMan 2006
To produce a screenshot.pov hit F8 inside toribash
This file should be rendered with PovRay (
NOTE! All Y values needs to be negated to match Toribash coordinate system
************************************************** **********/

// Player A's (red in-game) colour.

#declare playerAr=0.3;
#declare playerAg=0.3;
#declare playerAb=0.3;

// Player B's (blue in-game) colour.

#declare playerBr=0.8;
#declare playerBg=0.3;
#declare playerBb=0.3;

// Use a head skin and name of skin (takes from the heads folder).
// Player A.

#declare playerAskin=1;
#declare playerAname="head.tga";

// Player B.

#declare playerBskin=1;
#declare playerBname="head.tga";

// heads directory (must include trailing slash ie "dir\\" or "dir/").

#declare headdir="C:/Program Files/Toribash-3.3/raytrace/";

// Are the skinned head reflective (light areas are reflective)

#declare reflectiveheads=0;

// //
// //

#declare playerAname=concat(headdir,playerAname);
#declare playerBname=concat(headdir,playerBname);

#declare player=0;
#declare joint=0;

global_settings {
radiosity {
pretrace_start 0.08
pretrace_end 0.01
count 500

nearest_count 10
error_bound 0.02
recursion_limit 1

low_error_factor 0.2
gray_threshold 0.0
minimum_reuse 0.015
brightness 1

adc_bailout 0.01/2

background { color rgb <1,1,1> }

#macro Camera( xpos, ypos, zpos, lookatx, lookaty, lookatz)
camera {
location <xpos,-ypos, zpos>
sky <0, 0, 1>
look_at <lookatx, -lookaty, lookatz>
<0, 0, 8> rgb <0.8,0.8,0.8>
area_light <1, 0, 0>, <0, 0, 1>, 20, 20
adaptive 1


#macro Joint(xpos, ypos, zpos, Radius, xvel, yvel, zvel, xavel, yavel, zavel, r, g, b)
sphere { <xpos, -ypos, zpos>, Radius
pigment { color rgb <0.7, 0.3, 0> }

#macro Blood (xpos, ypos, zpos, Radius, xvel, yvel, zvel, xavel, yavel, zavel, r, g, b)
threshold 0.1
sphere {<xpos, -ypos, zpos>, Radius*5, 0.1
pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.1, 0 > }

#macro BodySphere (r, g, b, Radius, rot0, rot3, rot6, rot1, rot4, rot7, rot2, rot5, rot8, rot9, rot10, rot11, xvel, yvel, zvel, xavel, yavel, zavel)
#declare player=player+1;
union {
sphere {
<0, 0, 0>, Radius
#if ((player=1 & playerAskin=0) | (player=2 & playerBskin=0))
pigment { color rgb ( player=1 ? <playerAr,playerAg,playerAb> : <playerBr,playerBg,playerBb> ) }
finish {
reflection 0.7
// specular 1
// phong 0.5
reflection { .65 metallic }
pigment {
image_map {
#if (player=1)
tga playerAname
tga playerBname
warp {
orientation z
dist_exp 0
rotate <90,0,90>
finish {
#if (reflectiveheads=1)
reflection 0.7
specular 1
phong 0.5
reflection { .65 metallic }
ambient 0.5
#if ((player=1 & playerAskin=0) | (player=2 & playerBskin=0))
#if (player=1)
Face (0,0,1, 0.75,0,0, 1,0,0, playerAr*0.25,playerAg*0.25,playerAb*0.25, Radius)
Face (0,0,1, 0.75,0,0, 1,0,0, playerBr*0.25,playerBg*0.25,playerBb*0.25, Radius)
matrix <rot0, -rot1, rot2,
rot3, -rot4, rot5,
rot6, -rot7, rot8,
rot9, -rot10, rot11>

pigment { color rgb <r, g, b> }
finish {
reflection 0.7
specular 1
phong 0.5
reflection { .65 metallic }

texture { // full texture of tile #2
pigment { wood
color rgb <1, 1, 1>,
color rgb <0, 1, 0>
scale 0.05

matrix <rot0, -rot1, rot2,
rot3, -rot4, rot5,
rot6, -rot7, rot8,
rot9, -rot10, rot11>
finish { specular 0.3 reflection 0.6 }


#macro BodyCapsule (r, g, b, Radius, length, rot0, rot3, rot6, rot1, rot4, rot7, rot2, rot5, rot8, rot9, rot10, rot11, xvel, yvel, zvel, xavel, yavel, zavel)
union {
cylinder {
<0, 0, length - length*0.5>,
sphere { <0, 0, -length*0.5>, Radius }
sphere { <0, 0, length - length *0.5>, Radius }

matrix <rot0, -rot1, rot2,
rot3, -rot4, rot5,
rot6, -rot7, rot8,
rot9, -rot10, rot11>
pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> }

#macro Body (r, g, b, sidex, sidey, sidez, rot0, rot3, rot6, rot1, rot4, rot7, rot2, rot5, rot8, rot9, rot10, rot11, xvel, yvel, zvel, xavel, yavel, zavel)
box {
<-(sidex*0.5), -(sidey*0.5), -(sidez*0.5)>,
<sidex*0.5, sidey*0.5, sidez*0.5>

matrix <rot0, -rot1, rot2,
rot3, -rot4, rot5,
rot6, -rot7, rot8,
rot9, -rot10, rot11>

pigment { color rgb <r, g, b> }


#macro EnvBox (r, g, b, a, sidex, sidey, sidez, rot0, rot3, rot6, rot1, rot4, rot7, rot2, rot5, rot8, rot9, rot10, rot11)
box {
<-(sidex*0.5), -(sidey*0.5), -(sidez*0.5)>,
<sidex*0.5, sidey*0.5, sidez*0.5>

matrix <rot0, -rot1, rot2,
rot3, -rot4, rot5,
rot6, -rot7, rot8,
rot9, -rot10, rot11>

//Need Texture for this alpha
pigment { color rgbf <r, g, b, a> }
finish {
reflection 0.4
ambient 0.5
phong .5
specular 0.1
roughness .001

#macro EnvCapsule (r, g, b, a, Radius, length, rot0, rot3, rot6, rot1, rot4, rot7, rot2, rot5, rot8, rot9, rot10, rot11)
union {
cylinder {
<0, 0, length - length*0.5>,
sphere { <0, 0, -length*0.5>, Radius }
sphere { <0, 0, length - length *0.5>, Radius }

matrix <rot0, -rot1, rot2,
rot3, -rot4, rot5,
rot6, -rot7, rot8,
rot9, -rot10, rot11>

//Need Texture for this alpha
pigment { color rgbf <r, g, b, a> }
finish {
reflection 0.4
ambient 0.5
phong .5
specular 0.1
roughness .001

#macro EnvSphere (r, g, b, a, Radius, rot0, rot3, rot6, rot1, rot4, rot7, rot2, rot5, rot8, rot9, rot10, rot11)
sphere {
<0, 0, 0>, Radius
matrix <rot0, -rot1, rot2,
rot3, -rot4, rot5,
rot6, -rot7, rot8,
rot9, -rot10, rot11>

//Need Texture for this alpha
pigment { color rgbf <r, g, b, a> }
finish {
reflection 0.4
ambient 0.5
phong .5
specular 0.1
reflection .001

#macro Impact (xpos, ypos, zpos, Radius, time, r, g, b, a)
torus {
Radius, 0.5
scale <1, 0.05, 1>
rotate <90, 0, 90>
translate <xpos, -ypos, zpos>

pigment {
color rgb <r, g, b>
filter (1-a) //aka alpha

finish {
reflection 0.2
ambient 0.5
phong .5
specular 0.1
refraction 1

plane { z, 0
pigment { rgb <1, 1, 1> }
finish {
ambient .1
diffuse .1
specular 1
roughness .001

//Create an infinite sphere around scene and allow any pigment on it
sky_sphere {
pigment {
gradient z
color_map { [0.0 color rgb <180/255,230/255,255/255>] [1.0 color blue 0.5] }
Right. I might be able to help you with this.

#declare headdir="C:/Program Files/Toribash-3.3/raytrace/";
That needs to point to where your Toribash folder is. ie:

#declare headdir="C:/Games/Toribash-3.6/raytrace/";
Put the .tga files you want to use as head textures in Toribash/Raytrace.

Now you need to specify what the files are called:

// Use a head skin and name of skin (takes from the heads folder).
// Player A.

#declare playerAskin=1;
#declare playerAname="head.tga";

// Player B.

#declare playerBskin=1;
#declare playerBname="head.tga";
Example: if Player 1's head was called tori.tga and Player 2's was called uke.tga, you'd need to change the script to the following:

// Use a head skin and name of skin (takes from the heads folder).
// Player A.

#declare playerAskin=1;
#declare playerAname="tori.tga";

// Player B.

#declare playerBskin=1;
#declare playerBname="uke.tga";

Tell me if you have any luck.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
Once you've set as the include file in animation.pov (or screenshot.pov or whatever) - you can do this by replacing the red "" text with "" - you should hit run on the animation.pov tab; not on the tab, or it won't work.

Once it's rendered the image(s), POV should export them as .bmps in your raytrace folder.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."