im still glad nobody knows what i look like

send your outcasts to [Parrot]
I'm guessing you looked like your first avvy

it still gives me nightmares to be honest.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Originally Posted by MrJingles View Post
I'm guessing you looked like your first avvy

it still gives me nightmares to be honest.

i dont remember what it was

send your outcasts to [Parrot]
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Pretty sure calling members of our clan insults like faggots is not a good way to get accepted. And saying we judged you based on your past? Viddah judged you solely on your application and knew nothing of your past. It's only later that he found out about your scamming history. You just shitpost around the forum, and haven't changed. You are funny to laugh at and all, but would contribute nothing to the clan. Just look at his app. It's full of inside jokes. He did the same thing with his app to us. He can't contribute anything, and he knows it.

(Jingles said I could post here)
Valterain used to be a complete cunt and I have never heard anyone say anything positive about him

it's a no from me
[duck] 01101000 01101001 01110000 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100010 01101111 01110010
Originally Posted by MrJingles View Post
^ You have an empty sig faggot

Because if hipotibor has hipotibor in his signature, it will break toribash.
yeah, vel.. ill just say it.. Youre kinda rejected.
Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3

Originally Posted by Colors View Post
yeah, vel.. ill just say it.. Youre kinda rejected.

i don't give up easily

I want you all to read this, and consider the following:

before all of you give the final verdict, take your time to read the following:
I'm going to go in depth into all the things I have done in the past that have been deemed noteworthy, so you all know everything. I will start off with notable bans.
1. First major ban was me thinking it was okay to wear a swastika in game on my left bicep. Obviously, the staff didn't get the joke and I was banned.
2. Second major ban was a scam incident in which I told a player who was scamming to give me all of his items.
3. Third Major ban was where I thought it necessary to say the n-word in a public server, and was banned properly for that. I shouldn't justify this, but context was there.
4. Fourth Major ban was also a racism incident, and yet again, I shouldn't justify this. I was being an outright asshole.
5. Last ban was a ban in which I request upon all my accounts in order to focus more on important life matters, and so I could finally take an actual break from the game to reconcile with friends in my life.

Now, I also have a handful of infractions under my belt, but the majority of them are for posting in threads where the OP was a complete joke. But I have made an effort to change my posting habits in order to not piss off anyone.

Now, on to the Vibe incident. The Vibe incident's focus was Kyure, and his expressed negativity towards me. He expressed a opinion against me which was ill-said and he simply resorted to using petty insults against me while I was trying to converse with their leader in the IRC. This inevitably lead to a shitstorm.

Now, this is all that has happened in the past. Anyone who is saying that nobody has said positive about me is correct, and I do not believe that anyone in Duck would have any reason to do so. But I am asking you all to give me a chance to show you that I can behave accordingly. My past, and my behavior has made it hard for me to convince you. But I have intentions on projecting myself towards members in Duck in different ways than those beforehand. But, I know it is necessary to show the same sort of respect to other members of the community, and I am willing to cooperate.
Give me a chance, because I know that none of you (except for perhaps rfifan, who I have talked to on a handful of occasions and play Taekkyon with semi-regularly) know me as an actual person.
A kick button exists for a reason, and you could use it if I am a problem.
Consider this.
Last edited by Valterain1; Nov 28, 2015 at 06:11 AM.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
dude stop trying to convince people that you're worthy of a certain position. you tried in vibe. that didn't go well, so don't do the same to us.
obviously we haven't gotten to that point where it actually hasn't gone well, but hey, it took a couple of shit posts in the vibe thread for it to go bad.