Good luck with your exams dude!
Felt like sharing a nice small story with y'all because why not.
Today I was asked by the leader of my old clan ,Dark, if I wanted my TC back because the clan is going dead and they no longer need the donations I put into it when I was in it. So I accepted it and went to do a little bit of a check of the banks TC to see how much was in there, because I couldn't remember. Turns out RussD3X , Someone I trusted in the clan, took all (and I mean ALL) 60k+ that was left in the clans bank for himself to put into another clan , APOK.
Don't worry, before y'all say I should report him I've sent him a message saying how disapointed I am with him and I am thinking about reporting him for it, seeing as though he donated NOTHING and took EVERTHING!
~sighs and relaxes~ Anyway, the main point is that you can never truly trust anyone these days. Hell, you can try to trust people but at some point or another they'll end up changing and stabbing you in the back and leaveing a clan broke ...
Just felt like sharing what happened in my day because I don't think I post all that much these days :P
Last edited by Mastertron; Jan 16, 2016 at 02:02 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
◄●► I'm alive! ◄●►
◄●► Leader of (Dark) ◄●►
Originally Posted by XxPerfectionxX View Post
aight guys got one more week of exams wish me luck, will start playing after

Good luck, same for me :s I hope I learned enough physics

Originally Posted by Mastertron View Post
Good luck with your exams dude!
Felt like sharing a nice small story with y'all because why not.
Today I was asked by the leader of my old clan ,Dark, if I wanted my TC back because the clan is going dead and they no longer need the donations I put into it when I was in it. So I accepted it and went to do a little bit of a check of the banks TC to see how much was in there, because I couldn't remember. Turns out RussD3X , Someone I trusted in the clan, took all (and I mean ALL) 60k+ that was left in the clans bank for himself to put into another clan , APOK.
Don't worry, before y'all say I should report him I've sent him a message saying how disapointed I am with him and I am thinking about reporting him for it, seeing as though he donated NOTHING and took EVERTHING!
~sighs and relaxes~ Anyway, the main point is that you can never truly trust anyone these days. Hell, you can try to trust people but at some point or another they'll end up changing and stabbing you in the back and leaveing a clan broke ...
Just felt like sharing what happened in my day because I don't think I post all that much these days :P

Wow thats ignorant. And yes you definitely should report him or he might do the same thing again. Trust is a very precious good these days.
Anyways how is everybody doing?
I'm only cleaning here..
Doing alright. Might see if he sends a message back before reporting him about it, mainly because I'm too lazy untill I have no other choice. but I'm just chilling on Xbox Minecraft with my Gf atm :P And waiting for art to be made that I've requested (Again, Lazy. LOL) Feel free to try if you feel up for the challenge Link is in my Cignature.

Last edited by Mastertron; Jan 16, 2016 at 04:30 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
◄●► I'm alive! ◄●►
◄●► Leader of (Dark) ◄●►
Originally Posted by Unholybat5 View Post
the event would be great to host on a day like saturday when alot more players are online and it would be great for it to be like a multimod event like i mentioned earlier about it being like a judo,aikido,mushu,brushu,and wushu betting server or somtin

Edit: sorry i disconnected cripplz my internet was being a douche again ... anyway quick question can anyone point me towards a way to make some tc? i have something in mind i want to do

To answer your question at the end I would say, Without spending real money: Betting, Dueling (But like Cripplz said, be careful. I don't personaly do it because of the risks but I know there is TC to be made if you're good enough at the mod you pick to duel in.) and Winning tourneys/events.

Other good ways out of the game would be making art (Like textures, banners, Avatars, Cignatures and even PC wall papers / backgrounds.) But you gotta be better then the rest if it's a request. If someone personaly asks you to make it then you'll be in the green as long as it's as good as they want.

Making Videos for other people, pretty simple. If you're good at making videos in TB using all the fancy things and making Replays look nice and stuff then tell people about it and help people make their mark on youtube and on the forum.

One other really good way thats only just popped into my head as I was typeing (should really be up at the big list but blaaaaaaa. lel sorry) Is hosting a betting server or hosting you're own tourney. Not sure how to host a betting server so you're better asking someone who has done it in the past tbh. And you're best chance in the hosting your own Toruney is to have a VIP friend ( LIKE ME XD) to send out a global message in game for 5k cheaper then it would be for you to do it. And have a small entry fee set up to the rooms house I think it is? again, check before doing it because I'm not that good with this stuff but I've done toruneys for fun in the past, You will want a friend to help mannage the toruney (It's hell on your own because lots of people ping out and just piss people off so it's helpfull to have some eyes and ears to help out)
Aside from all that I don't really know much else that'll help you out without spending real money on TC.

Sorry for the long message, I'm just in one of those moods where I wanna type a lot
Hope it helps!


◄●► I'm alive! ◄●►
◄●► Leader of (Dark) ◄●►
but I'm just chilling on Xbox Minecraft with my Gf atm :P

whats your xbox name so i can third wheel
I find your lack of faith...Disturbing-Darth Vader
Your no use to me dead-Boba Fett
She doesn't really like new people but "Mastertron17"
also we usualy don't let others play along lel
Last edited by Mastertron; Jan 18, 2016 at 04:34 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
◄●► I'm alive! ◄●►
◄●► Leader of (Dark) ◄●►
My physics exam went better than expected! For me it's a riddle how I could solve most of those tasks in such a short period of time (was about 70mins of time and 9 tasks which were all hard). Now I don't need to learn much more for the upcoming exams, physics was kind of the endboss for me lol.

Good to see everyone doing well these days. Winter came in a bit late here in south-germany and the temperatures sunk quite fast (-7°C yesterday). Good thing one of my friends has his very own sauna. Nothing better than train a bit and go in it.

Damn I love those longfall boots, maybe even more than I love getas.

So now that everyone seems to get back in the everday life, what about the tourney?
It's all set up, we only need to know what we're now doing. (we can't do all of the options that'd just be a big mess)
I'm only cleaning here..