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Clan tag to forums
Well yeah, it would be nice to have clan tags in forums too.
Dont know anything else to say. It doesnt hurt anyone, just a little additional pleasure
Something is better than nothing.

I see no need of something like this.

There is already a system to show which clan you belong showing the full name of the Clan. What is the real need of abbreviation?

How will it work? How exactly do you want things to be within the idea?

SkulFuk <3

You and all who make vague suggestions have to remember that someone will have to make this work therefore, it must be something useful to that of some manner. there a benefit larger than the cost.
Not Supported.

The whole point of clans is to get people together in game to play as a family/team. Thats why the main function of clans is wars, hints why you need a tag to tell your opponents apart from your team mates in game.

There is no point in a Tag on the forums. The forums is not for your clan (except for your clan thread). When you're browsing the forums you're doing it for your own gain/pleasure.

There is no need to represent your clan in ever thread you go to, it will only add more clutter to your post.

And yea like Bruno said, you clan's full name is already displayed bellow your avatar picture. There is no reason to add a tag.

Tags are for in-game, end of story.
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