Secret Santa 2024
So bascially all summed up, we need the price lowered dramatically or a low permament buy.
Clan Sigma Council
BnW Member
We could always just use the forums..... it wont cost anything but then again the YOUshop is alot more organised i really say no to this risk.
Ghost in the loyal clan, Phantom! Im poor and i need your help...

Hai guys.

Yeah, youshop has a lot of bugs, and if you get a premium shop you must make sure you've got the 50k each month or you'll get a negative balance.

You could make a standard youshop & keep it stocked up - they're sorted by how much stuff's in them, so if you've got the most stock you'd be listed right below the premium shops.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
We're not going to get lucky again, i think. Someone came in and bought 50k worth of stuff then turned out to be an account hacker. Anyway, yeah we've been getting a fair few proper sales due to having about 170 items in there, we're down to about 40 or so now.
Not all of the purchases were him. In fact, a lot of them were not. He just bought up the crappy stuff....

Either way. I actually have a method that is different and better (imho) than the suggestions here... and it's working, so :P