Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[R] Minimalistic set 130k
I was wanting another minimalist set made, but all I ever see are cool male looking ones. I've never seen a female minimalist set.
Surely someone is willing.

Primary colors: Hot Pink,(Force) Raptor(Relax)
secondary Colours: White, Black
Design: Wavy!!! but put some wavy hearts in some places.
I like designs that go together, like waviness from leg to thigh textures. Bicep to triceps and so on.
Not just some cool design on each texture, that's lame to me.
for the Eyelashes and eyebrows just draw feminine ones.
Usually with minimalistic heads, all you see is closed eyes and eyebrows. So make feminine ones or it won't look right to me.

Size: 512x512
I'll pay you 130k Period. no less, let's go
<3Kaito = Best Minimalist sets<3
I can do the wavy transitions etc. But theres 1 thing before im on it ... can it look a little tribal? Whatever i will do 1 thigh and you tell me if you like the style hmkay :3

Im talking about this style

I will rework the Heart and there will be more Stuff added to it like on the Back and Transitions to the Leg but just talking about the Style.. are you looking for this?
Last edited by Fluxorious; Feb 8, 2016 at 12:29 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I'm not really a fan of tribal. But if you want to try and have a little tribal you can.
Just be sure to show me some ingame pics along with the flats so I can be fully sure on if I like it or not
Also don't forget the color white
<3Kaito = Best Minimalist sets<3