[S] 256x, 512x Joint Textures with DAILY SALE prices!
Hello! Here you can buy some 512x512 or 256x256 joint textures with 50% discount off the shop price, just like at the Daily sale!
List of the available items:
Left hip joint texture 512x512
Left wrist joint texture 512x512
Neck joint texture 512x512
Right elbow joint texture 512x512
Right pecs joint texture 512x512
Right wrist joint texture 512x512
Lumbar joint texture 256x256
Right shoulder joint texture 256x256
Prices are:
25k each small 512x512 joint (wrists, neck)
40k each big 512x512 joint (hip, elbow, pecs)
And 35k
both big 256x joints - Lumbar and Shoulder.
Taking only tc.
Just send the tc to me and attach a message to specify which joint(s) you are purchasing. Prices are not haggleable.
Last edited by ImEmpty; Feb 12, 2016 at 02:56 AM.