Christmas Lottery
Hello everyone of [T]. I am here today to apply for [T]. this may be useless because i might not have a lot to offer and a lot of you most likely do not know me but im willing to get to know you guys in any way i can :^) i am kinda looking for a resting place in a way. i play in-game alot but it just does not feel right without being in a clan. i sure will post if you guys are active enough on the threads so i can get to know some of you fine gentlemen and (ladies if any). i played lenshu3ng with oblivion about a month ago, hes a really cool guy.
My name is Ryan Scott and i am 15 years of age. (will be 16 on august 30th). I like to spar even though Im pretty bad i think xP mabye jisse could teach me some stuff. besides all that good stuff theirs not much else, i hope this application is adiquit enough for your tastes. feel free to ask me any questions about myself, i will answer them as best as i can. I hope we can achieve a friend-ship out of this. Have a wonderful rest of your day.

Edit: My application seems a bit to short tbh. I dont want anyone to think I dont care or Im lazy. I just dont have alot to say and Im kind of tired of pouring my heart out into an application. i would much rather pour out my heart chatting with guys on your threads and maybe even an irc server. and [T] is a clan of people who have pulled some strings and made things happen in toribash, and here i come just a average Joe so i dont know how this will work out for me in the end tbh. we will just have to see. thanks for reading my application btw, it really does mean alot to me.
Last edited by M0nsoom; Feb 27, 2016 at 10:01 AM.
Is my application being discussed? i heard something about if theirs no replay then your not interested. So Im just making sure Im not just sitting around :^3
Originally Posted by zeto View Post
if we havent shown interest take it as a no : )

[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
you know what i bet numbers will just go back to being inactive if he gets in T, lets never accept him and put him in [T] purgatory
wow that