Not going too deep on the subject, but I think we need some kind of push in the right direction here.
Are these trends real?
What trends? That war has escaped the middle east and the west is not prepared to fight said wars on their own soil? Yes. Most of the western world has troops in the middle east fighting a regime, and its followers are fighting us with the means accessible, including fighting said war in the west. "What about the civilians?", since when has the war FN/Nato/US ever fought a war without inflicting civilian casualties? The whole intervention has caused the deaths of thousands of innocents, and most of it are on the hands of the west, not said regimes. Sure, oppression exist under a regime, but that said oppression still follows rules of that regime, much like the death sentence in the US follows US law. Now, that we as foreigners believing that said rule is wrong and that thus we should intervene, we have only our morals on which we act as there is no true right thing to do, and as such, if they fight a war on our soil with the same idea it's fair game. "But civilians", yes, why not? We have tried to tidy it up since WW1, but war is gruesome, and as far as I know, they have signed no treaty to not fight us with any means necessary to have the western world stop the intervention in the middle east, or really, any part of the world where we bring death.
What about in terms of severity/amount of life lost?
It's fair game. We kill people, they kill people. To fight our intervention in said zones, one of the best way is to have the people press politicians to withdraw troops, or to reach a scenario similar to MAD where it's simply not a good idea to not stop the intervention in the middle east. After all, we as the west destabilized the first functioning democracy [EDIT] in recent history[/EDIT] in the region over some fucking oil, and we are still to pay the price, as are we to blame for the damage it has caused upon millions of civilians in said region of the world.
I think one of the biggest mistakes people make when discussing this topic is calling terror attacks an act of war, or even an eye for an eye attack. At what point did any of the western countries launch an attack which goal was to create maximum civillian casulties and as much terror as possible? Suicide bombing innocent civillians isnt exactly what I would call war. Also ISIS isn't much worse than israel? For shits sake, last time I checked israel didn't exactly take sexslaves for the sole purpose of rape, or behead journalists with opposite views. But hey, what do I know about worse. Sure the west is partially to blame for this shitfest, but please dont call this whole thing a "fair game"
I also like the fact that you consider yourself a proper discussion jesus, who's here to teach us the ways of discussion.
I may be mistaken, but it feels like the first half of your post is really rather derailing. Whether the West started this shitstorm is irrelevant to whether there is a real observable trend in the number of terrorist attacks over time. Sure you could argue that you are saying we are the terrorists, and therefor our actions in that area must be included in these trends, but you didn't really imply that in your post.
I simply made the comparison to Israel as both has caused death amongst their own population, one be it Palestinians in Gaza and one be it another part of the population.
The thing I find interesting is that you would consider not giving all before throwing your life at the hands of a opposing [edit] force[/edit]. The war in the middle east has now lasted more than a decade, and as far as I know, the war has been fought in the middle east and mostly civilians in the middle east has died. Why not invite these forces over to the west and fight the war in the west? Human history up to and including WW2 has been forged by horrendous acts not limited to rape, executions without trial and murder of civilians at the hands allied forces. But all of a sudden we expect war to be a noble thing, a fight where one resigns as if in chess and that's it? Saying that terror attacks are not acts of war is just as illusional as believing that there is such a thing as a fair world, however, not sinking to the same moral low is honourable, but disconnected from any kind of realism.
So your point is essentially that military intervention has a positive correlation with the frequency of terrorist attacks and the number of deaths as a result of these attacks? I know you are also saying a load of stuff about how we subsequently kinda deserve, and should not be surprised by this, but that is, for the most part, completely irrelevant to the topic at hand.
If this is in fact what you are arguing, then please provide some sources to support this correlation (amount of troops in middle eastern countries each year compared to terrorist attacks from there, correlations between troop withdrawals and amount of attacks ect.). Just to clarify, this thread is about whether and why the attacks are getting worse, not about why they started in the first place.
For this thread to exist we need to distinguish between terrorism, and normal acts of war. They are not mutually exclusive. If I bombed the shit out of your capital city despite this providing no tactical advantage to myself and said that it was not an act of war then that would be crazy. However if I stated that it was just your average, run of the mill act of war then I would be wrong once again. Obviously provocation is a large factor in this conflict, but still, ISIS is taking territories by force and we are attempting to stop it. ISIS is bombing civilians when they probably know it will never lead to the end of western intervention. This is similar, but undeniably different to the usual act of war. Can you at least agree with that?
What are you disagreeing with when you just say "No?". I said a number of distinct things and you quoted the whole post and expected me to know what you were talking about. Please try to be clear in your posts.
So your point is essentially that military intervention has a positive correlation with the frequency of terrorist attacks and the number of deaths as a result of these attacks?
I know you are also saying a load of stuff about how we subsequently kinda deserve, and should not be surprised by this, but that is, for the most part, completely irrelevant to the topic at hand.
If this is in fact what you are arguing, then please provide some sources to support this correlation (amount of troops in middle eastern countries each year compared to terrorist attacks from there, correlations between troop withdrawals and amount of attacks ect.). Just to clarify, this thread is about whether and why the attacks are getting worse, not about why they started in the first place.
Look, I googled it for you