Christmas Lottery
Hey DemonKiller, im interested in a 100 booster for 1 month, i have a dragon force if that interests you, or 30k if that floats your boat, either works, pm me if you can or cant do it, thanks
I have Pm'ed u, i am gettin the TC from Phantom bank so i will give u the TC tommorow or somethin... but i will definently give it to you!
Ghost in the loyal clan, Phantom! Im poor and i need your help...
im still waiting for my booster
impatientness >:[
ive already sent you the 15k for 50 booster
Any thread this has been read in has been officialy become metaly retarded.....YAY Fag
Since I have a 200 booster on this account, can you just log onto my account? Cause I don't want to waste this booster.
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
okay Demon i don't get tc for 100 booster so i will take 50 booster :/
Could you get me the booster on saturday? and is it possible to get the booster to this account i could change password so you can get the booster to this account and then change it back... : )

Edit: if that is ok then could you PM when you can give me the 50 booster and i will send tc and password (i put message with the tc password comes at the same time) and i don't mind about the day but as soon as possible
Edit: i migth be able to buy 100 booster if i get the loan from Phantom clan bank
Last edited by Shadowlion; Dec 19, 2008 at 02:37 PM.
2 days of waiting and counting
alot of impatientness
Any thread this has been read in has been officialy become metaly retarded.....YAY Fag
MAn, I don't Have 15k anymore. CAn i give u 5k and a Typhon Force?
Or if u want something better look at my shop (Chuk's Pwnz0r Shop) and ask for it. Or would someone buy with me so i can get the extra 5k i need to purchase the 50tc Booster. Pm me if u want to help me get the money
Originally Posted by wootkill View Post
2 days of waiting and counting
alot of impatientness

He already said he doesn't have the money to buy them, but is expecting it for christmas. Chiiiill.
I think this shop has to be closed till Demonkiller has his money, else this will result in a perma flame and nerd battle.