Christmas Lottery
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOO HER!!!! c: My day is fine, early dismissal day so i get to relax :P
'Haku is my lenshu senpai uwu' ~ Static
Thank you ) Shes being very spoiled today! lmao How did you gets get early dismissal?! finals?
Nope, there is always just a short day once a month and it was today ^^
Maybe it was because they knew it was your daughters birthday! XD
Last edited by rcrichman; Apr 13, 2016 at 08:22 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
'Haku is my lenshu senpai uwu' ~ Static
First day back at school after spring break (Yesterday) and I had a Biology exam. Second day back (Today) I have a Science Practise Controlled Assesment and told my Citizenship courswork needs to be compleated in 7 days that counts towards 60% of the whole GCSE. Great
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
Here we had exams before the breaks, its kinda harsh to expect people to be prepared for an exam after one month of not giving any fucks to school.
class starts in after the carnival ends, most of the time it starts on march, so theres:

march - april - exams - may - june - exams - july = break - august - september - exams - october - november - final exams - December + january = break - february = brazilian carnival
Originally Posted by rcrichman View Post
Maybe it was because they knew it was your daughters birthday! XD

You know what? That makes sense!!! lol

Originally Posted by Ruins View Post
How has everyone been today?
Happy Birthday to your daughter xaron88

Thank you Ruins I told her and she said, "Tell him I said thank you very much sir!" lmao We are all doing good here, Madison is being a little spoiled, but her big surprise is this weekend.

Originally Posted by HASSAN2000 View Post
First day back at school after spring break (Yesterday) and I had a Biology exam. Second day back (Today) I have a Science Practise Controlled Assesment and told my Citizenship courswork needs to be compleated in 7 days that counts towards 60% of the whole GCSE. Great

How do you think you did?!

Originally Posted by Colossus View Post
Here we had exams before the breaks, its kinda harsh to expect people to be prepared for an exam after one month of not giving any fucks to school.

When I was in High School we got our Final Exams the Monday right after Spring Break XD And they wonder why everyone got bad grades lol
Madison is such a cute name.

I missed my taxi today because although I'm entitled to free transport to and from school (Taxi picks me up from my house and drops me off) I wasn't ready when the taxi came and he was waiting a while - my mum then told him to go without me because she's always worrying about others and so I have to miss school. I'm home alone and I just HATE missing school for ANY reason - it's one of the worst things I can think of having to do. It's sooooo boring staying at home even though I don't really have friends at school I still enjoy seeing them everyday even if they don't care about me because they're the only people my age that I know because I have no life outside of school. The only community I'm apart of is the Toribash community. So missing a day of school for me is like missing an opportunity - everyday is an opportunity to get on good terms with people and for a kid like me with profound social communication disorders and learning disabilities that no one ever seems to understand, to make friends or ANY kind of bonds with others is just the hardest thing imaginable. That's why missing school makes me sooo upset. I feel after I come back my place has gone back down to the bottom after years of working on friendships it's hard enough trying to earn that place from nothing, but to get it back once again after loosing it is impossible.
Last edited by HASSAN; Apr 14, 2016 at 01:21 PM.
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*