Originally Posted by Shadowlion View Post
ok : (
can i get 15k somewhere 10 hours after this message?
i will make a donate still but it will take more time : /
if this is okay then thanks

Yes but you do realise you have to return the money in full, 1500tc each week.
Clan Sigma Council
BnW Member
yea i know that :P i have 7k for the first weeks so i wont let you guys down and i'm 100% sure i will get atleast 30k in 2-3 weeks
guestion: i have to pay at the last day of week or somewhere near that day or is it ok if i pay in the middle of the week?

and i thinked some more and just send the tc when you can : )
Before we go passing out loans here, how many of you are planning on using them in Demon's booster shop? Because in case you don't know, he doesn't have the money for them right now, and he's got a long list of debts to pay before he gets to your request...

There's at least 20 people on the sub 1k booster list, and there's maybe 3 or 4 on the 1k booster list.
Originally Posted by Viris_Laborer View Post
i just sent a whole crapload of items to imawalrus.peace

Thanks, the PM glitched and said you only sent a Chronos motion trail, but the account history shows the rest.

Broke 180k. Woo.
Ok, i would like to borrow 16K, I'll pay back 10% of that each week, for 11 weeks. I can pay it cause i got a booster. And ofPhailure said i could.
Last edited by Jim; Dec 28, 2008 at 07:51 AM.
Some things have been updated.
Also, stuff you novi, for winnin 12k in POTM, we almost broke the 200k, and you robbed us. Lol jkes, congrats. Only 15k off 200k now.
Clan Sigma Council
BnW Member