Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Next promo ideas
hey guys i was saying i sent these ideas to Gman80 and wondering how you would vote on them!

Emerald:Forged by heavenly gods used to smite the forces of evil the pure light of these crystals destory all darkness.
Color: Dark Green not like orc

Ruby:Hades created these Crystals full of lava to control the many volcanoes of the world to bring Hell apon earth
Color: Darker red not like shaman

Pearl:these soft water gems were once found in clams still are but this special tribal force of water controls many of the hHurricanes on the world.

Ice:this object made of frozen water was found all over the world in glaciers ice bergs and more!but this is not that same kind this is the Dry ice...
Color:greyish whiteish

rate 1-10 on this! btw rate all 4 individually so i can see which ones suck
||||7th dan black belt||||
if the emerald is a tad darker than tox, and lighter than orc, then it is PERFECT for my halo set!
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
Theres already been too many promos that are exactly like old colors, sorry.
Here's an idea, let's focus less on new shit to buy that is obsolete in a month, and lets start thinking about how we can better the gameplay.
Originally Posted by HebrewHamr
We really don't need these threads. Nabi usually plans ahead. They aleady decided this month's promos.

This is from an earlier thread.

I wouldn't try and guess to extensivley.
