You know what is life? Or you know why we live? This is a philosophical question that runs through the centuries and great thinkers. I believe that when asked, we each have their own definition of life. Try to know what is your at least once.
But why to ask something so complex? Well, more difficult than explain the life, it's to try to explain our curiosity about it. Personally, question what is life helps me understand my own and the purpose that it really has.
Of course I'm not the only crazy spending time and neurons to elucidate this problem. Some users of Quora (one Yahoo! Answers intelligent people) have also been proposed to find a good answer to the question and, better than that, give us very clear reasoning about what is life.
1 - Always I wondered why beggars do not commit suicide, since they live in such terrible conditions. But even in such conditions they have a very strong desire to live. I used to wonder why we live? And I realized that in fact no one wants to die. Neither beggars nor the ants fighting for their lives because what really matters is our journey.
2 - The question itself is the answer: we are living. We are living to live, not to stay alive. Life is like a natural wave that comes from a distant, unknown place and move on, to reach the beach and get lost, or rather, mix with what we are seeking in our lives. Some waves are big and powerful, some small, some nerve, millions of different waves moving along this unknown ocean of millions of other people who are going for the same goal.
Not sure if this response answers the question because for me there is no question.
3 - We live to explorer new things, places and experiences.
4 - We live because of humanity, to help others, make people happy and to be happy too.
5 - Here are the two options in my opinion:
a) We are alone and this unique, incomprehensible and vast universe and therefore life on Earth is something that happened for a very specific reason we can or not be able to discern.
b) Life is a natural phenomenon that is inevitable in certain circumstances and lasts as long as those conditions continue to exist. And we are only asking this question because we have developed the ability to consider such things.
I choose to follow the latter, and although we may not be able to identify through a reductionist thinking which time the "life" came from the "non-life", just say that life is a natural phenomenon and that humans are the natural result of this process. We continue to live, as do all other forms of life, because of a biological imperative: to thrive, reproduce and sustain our species as a whole. Individually, we may need to look for specific reasons to go on living, or find meaning, but when looking at the world carefully and in depth, there is really no need to understand the whys of our existence.
6 - Life exists because it is life. That sounds stupid to consider life from a point of view that is not the human being. The other Earth million specious seek a reason to live or they just live?
7 - The scientific community says that life on Earth - or anywhere else - it's just a miraculous accident. But as I know you want a philosophical explanation, here's one: Life is a highly complex issue because it has many uncertain answers. One may say that God created, so there is life and so on.
We live because we were born and we adapt to the conditions. And the answer to "Why are we alive" is that life was created on Earth because the conditions were favorable to the existence of life. Sorry, I could not make a more spiritual response.
9 - We humans are on a secret mission to destroy all the natural resources of the planet. If you are wondering why you are not aware of this secret mission, then you are not alone. Aliens in programmed to believe that we are developing and deteriorating health of the planet is only a small price for it. And if I'm wrong about this secret mission, so that the ratio of humans to exploit both their home planet, which are supposed to live another few billion years?
10 - We live because life is worth living. Dying brings us to anything. Unless there are real, concrete evidence of the existence of paradise, it is stupidity die and you may live.
11 - Why not?
Be happy. Live your life intensely.
Have a good week, a good month, a good year and a good life!
Thank you,
Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.
What you discuss is religion, not philosophy.
1 - Always I wondered why beggars do not commit suicide, since they live in such terrible conditions. But even in such conditions they have a very strong desire to live. I used to wonder why we live? And I realized that in fact no one wants to die. Neither beggars nor the ants fighting for their lives because what really matters is our journey.
2 - The question itself is the answer: we are living. We are living to live, not to stay alive. Life is like a natural wave that comes from a distant, unknown place and move on, to reach the beach and get lost, or rather, mix with what we are seeking in our lives. Some waves are big and powerful, some small, some nerve, millions of different waves moving along this unknown ocean of millions of other people who are going for the same goal.
Not sure if this response answers the question because for me there is no question.
3 - We live to explorer new things, places and experiences.
4 - We live because of humanity, to help others, make people happy and to be happy too.
5b) Life is a natural phenomenon that is inevitable in certain circumstances and lasts as long as those conditions continue to exist. And we are only asking this question because we have developed the ability to consider such things.
6 - Life exists because it is life. That sounds stupid to consider life from a point of view that is not the human being. The other Earth million specious seek a reason to live or they just live?
7 - The scientific community says that life on Earth - or anywhere else - it's just a miraculous accident. But as I know you want a philosophical explanation, here's one: Life is a highly complex issue because it has many uncertain answers. One may say that God created, so there is life and so on.
8.We live because we were born and we adapt to the conditions. And the answer to "Why are we alive" is that life was created on Earth because the conditions were favorable to the existence of life. Sorry, I could not make a more spiritual response.
9 - We humans are on a secret mission to destroy all the natural resources of the planet. If you are wondering why you are not aware of this secret mission, then you are not alone. Aliens in programmed to believe that we are developing and deteriorating health of the planet is only a small price for it. And if I'm wrong about this secret mission, so that the ratio of humans to exploit both their home planet, which are supposed to live another few billion years?
10 - We live because life is worth living. Dying brings us to anything. Unless there are real, concrete evidence of the existence of paradise, it is stupidity die and you may live.
11 - Why not?
Truth is a paradox? wtf are you high?
We can tell pretty well if something is true by testing it with the scientific method. It is called trial and error.
Philosophy also does not concern itself with any of those questions you stated. They are all non-sense questions and more for religious folks.