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[SERIOUS]a lost mod daycare?
ok guys not sure if you are all aware but supposedly their is this sick mod floating around the hard drive of TB data files. I heard about the story of this mod in the wushu server and this guy (dengue) told me this mod is called daycare.tbm. He and everyone else in the server said they have heard about it but never seen the mod being played and wouldn't tell me what the mod was. I looked on my computer for hours and scrubbed the entirety of my network. They said it was some sick shit and the guy who made it actually got arrested. Does anybody know what they are talking about, what did the mod do? is it real or just some urban legend? I haven't been on tb for a while so I'm jus a bit curious, I got 5k tc for the first guy that can give me a good rundown of what the fuck is going on.
the god
No. Do this in TP, your clan thread, or wherever it's not an eyesore instead.

P.S. Never heard of that mod, I'll look out for it.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore