Original Post
really similar sets
Idk where this is supposed to be, but is it just me, or are 00assassin00's and sparky's set like, extremely similar.
trestet has 00assassin00's set atm.

i mean, look at these thighs, shins and feet! its almost identical.
the legs at the front is 00assassin00's set, the back one is Sparky's.

thigh, shins and feet

now look at the upper body, bruhh so similar.

upper body

even the arms, the one closer to the hand is identical except a few more lines and recolour. the bicep is pretty similar too. hands the same too.




but maybe i don't know something you guys know.
mayb krisis13 gave permission to 00assassin00 to copy idk.
wat do you guys know about this?

this isnt rly a report btw
all vector sets or what ever style you would call that look the same to me
so i can't 100% tell but yeah they are kind of similar it looks like he just changed enough stuff to stop the charges of plagiarism tho
If krisis13 wanted to peruse it you could probably call plagureism
Last edited by Pimp; Jun 16, 2016 at 02:43 PM.
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”
Originally Posted by LordBored View Post
Idk where this is supposed to be

Not here.

If you don't know, then don't post it here. Cmon guys.