Original Post
(ODB) Oxford Dough Boys




Super Friends




Last edited by Pimp; Aug 15, 2016 at 06:09 PM. Reason: We're back.
Once emoji time, there were 5 of us. Pimp, Pez, Beastincan, Robal, and Me. Leonard PP. Pimp, notable for his dabbing finesse, was jailed for hacking in greykido.tbm.
Hypez, a skilled replay, was caught by the federals in an attempt to use dueling as a threat.
H1T13P13, husband and father by day, hacker by night. He was responsible for ESL Cologne 2016. Sadly, one tapped, by none other than Twilight, our arch nenemy.
BuZe, the most famed box.tbm player of all time, was permanently banned for it. Since then, he has taken the identity of Royal.
Then there's me. Leonard. The one you least expected. I was under the covers this entire time, operating behind the scenes. I am what you think you are. I am.
Pp Eater.

I am here to bring back all forces of Chelyabinsk, to once again, truly reign.

also invite me to the clan
Hey, if you have a clan bank you must state who has access to it. Please add a list of users whom have access to the clan bank within the next 7 days or your DSC may be closed and the poster will be infracted.

Originally Posted by Gynx
Every clan's first post must be fully complete within 7 days. A complete first post has:

A clan story or description.
Aims, goals, and inner-clan guidelines
If you have a clan bank you must state all users that have access to the account and also state who can access the account as well as the account's name. If you don't have a bank then you may ignore this rule.

we are supported by fear
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”
Originally Posted by Orko View Post
Hey, if you have a clan bank you must state who has access to it. Please add a list of users whom have access to the clan bank within the next 7 days or your DSC may be closed and the poster will be infracted.

You could've at least asked nicely you dick-thirsty snicker doodle leg-craving ass boy.
Meddling Kid