Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[Art] Graphic Design!
I'd love feedback and I do requests.
I just started graphic design, so it won't be the best, but I do try.

Thingz I Use

Example! (Really Basic [Done With PicMonkey :3])

Originally Posted by data View Post
Looks pretty good man, I'd love to see the text in white in your example

Its really some shitty editing on my part. I lost the main picture. so I couldn't make it perfect.

Example EDIT (Edited With Pixlr)

the black lines around it makes it look bad, the image is TOO BIG, also it looks like "SkuU Zed"
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Originally Posted by P4P4Z0LA View Post
the black lines around it makes it look bad, the image is TOO BIG, also it looks like "SkuU Zed"

Actually, the original is the size for a background for my PC, and I know that the black lines on it make it look bad, I said it was shitty editing
Its actually too small.... Damn.
Last edited by Original; Jul 24, 2016 at 04:59 PM.
hi, i decided to close this because in my opinion slapping text on a background isn't really art.
Originally Posted by Art Rules
Low-effort content is not allowed. Examples of low-effort content are (and not limited to): Montage parodies, MS Paint drawings, and poorly written literature.

i suggest you watch some tutorials and post here when you make something that's worth critiquing.

if you have any questions or concerns, shoot me a PM.