Original Post
How the hell does this work...
With the Junior Member, Member, Senior Member etc. thing, How many posts do you need to rank up or whatever. So like 1000 Posts = senior member or what? I need help xD
<ZENBOY123> "Skip"
<SkipBySkip> "Shit, what have I done now?
0 - 29 Posts - Junior Member
30 - 499 Posts - Member
500 - 1499 Posts - Senior Member
500 - 2499 Posts - Forumite
2500 - 3499 Posts - ub3r
3500 - 4499 Posts - Raconteur
4500 - 5999 Posts - Chatterbox
6000 - 9000 Posts - Elitist
9001+ Posts - Flagrant Meme

On other note, some certain forum wouldn't grant you a post count like Beginner Sanctuary and Clan Forum.