When are you guys available if you know your schedules as of now?
Knock down da walls wiv big rocks and kill all the men wiv arras. - Lamby
I should be available just about every day this week if my wifi is up at home. I go home tomorrow. We were having troubles with the company when I left Friday so I'm not entirely sure it's up. If not I'll be on next weekend.
Knock down da walls wiv big rocks and kill all the men wiv arras. - Lamby
Originally Posted by Bodhisattva View Post
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday I'm available

How about a time? Would nighttime work for you guys. I personally can do anything after 8 referring to -4gmt
Don't Be Racist
Originally Posted by Eddylee View Post
How about a time? Would nighttime work for you guys. I personally can do anything after 8 referring to -4gmt

Really can't speak for them at all, but for me I only work 2 days a week, so I can play any hour of any day that doesn't fall on those 48 hours.
Last few wars we just picked a time first and saw if people could show up lol.

We played against BOOM at 5PM GMT +1 last war, this seemed like a decent time that could suite American players up to Russian players time zone wise (as it wasn't too early or late for either).

As for the day I'd love for us to get at least some matches done before the 4the as one of my main players is going on holiday that day.
Anyone wanna pick a time?

I guess I'll start by saying 9pm -4gmt any day. Does that work for you guys to get at least some matches done?
Don't Be Racist
I wont be able to do that most likely. WONT
Knock down da walls wiv big rocks and kill all the men wiv arras. - Lamby
Originally Posted by Snook View Post
Last few wars we just picked a time first and saw if people could show up lol.

We played against BOOM at 5PM GMT +1 last war, this seemed like a decent time that could suite American players up to Russian players time zone wise (as it wasn't too early or late for either).

As for the day I'd love for us to get at least some matches done before the 4the as one of my main players is going on holiday that day.

5 PM GMT +1 on August 2nd

Elite, hope to see y'all there