Christmas Lottery
Original Post
I Suggested Something and i guess very important !!!!
Ello !!!!!! im a Nob

I Suggested something
to prevent players to steal textures
my suggestion is : change the "head.tga" or another texture onto
"head.tbt" [head.toribashtextures] so it will unable to steal
cause it can't be open with photoshop or GIMP or whatever sofware is
and players CAN'T steal it and currently :
texture format is ".tga" and when a player using an awesome, amazing head
another player that have been saw the texture can be easly steal that texturewith :
go to custom folder and search that player name and inside the player
name there is "head.tga" (or another texture like : r_bicep.tga,blablabla,etc) and players can use that head for free by go to inventory and then "textures" and there's "Accepted image formats: .JPEG .GIF .JPG .PNG .TGA .TIF" they can steal it
and use it.
And now i wonder if somebody wanna still my nice texture that is ive sell

at the forum, and now i only using n00b head (ugly head)

also if .TGA format is removed from accepted format
it will stay can steal with : open "head.tga" with photoshop or GIMP or any software and change the format to .JPEG or anything that is accepted

and the texture will be able to be used for free !!!!!!!!!!

that is what i've suggested for Toribash

BTW i wanna be popular but How ?! xD

umm, it's still a texture, you probably could rename the .tbt into .tga and edit/steal it that way, not sure about it tho.
aeiou | #bantwin | twin's musical sense is like morning diarrhea
Beside the 70% of this that is an incoherent rant, changing the file type doesn't change the chances of your head being stolen. You will still be able to steal heads from the custom folder no matter what the file type is
I think I might be retired.
Yeah it can still be stolen even if the file type has been changed.sorry bud...
WANT TO BUY TEXTURE SETS?<MoldyRobot> Killer you so sexy i would have a 5 person orgy with you