Original Post
[Art] Assassin
Hello everyone

I spent the whole day.. well most of my day drawing this. I suck at art that's why it took so long to draw this wip :I

Anyways I would like for you to give me some cnc or something.. kay thx bye.

Wip 1

Program used: Photoshop


head and left arm are perf

right arm seems a bit on the small side

the perspective of the torso and hips are different

i feel like the hips should be overlapping more

also the left thigh seems uneccesarily long
Last edited by Tsuion; Oct 1, 2016 at 07:16 PM.
tsu tsu cuckoo
I corrected some stuff and I think I don't want to finish this well right now I don't maybe I'll do it later...

Wip 2


The right arm is too low, add some shine on the sword. Also make the hair fall down a bit more in the back
Plottin' on me! They're plottin' on me!
DropKick | R.I.P. [JollyR] | [RelaxAll]
well the pose doesnt make sense you have the legs in a landing position while the torso is like its laying on a wall(not in an action position consistant with the legs. stomach to leg tranistion needs work bring it more inward the far arm is too long/low

the head has a deformed skull your missing the round back part of the skull


just my suggested changes below edits in orange

sorry i edit

Last edited by Calamity; Oct 6, 2016 at 08:56 PM.
I still take texture requests for usd
I have a suggestion maybe try shading a bit more on the clothes mostly but
also add some 3d aspects to your drawing or atleast use shading.
Now I see you doing promising drawings.
If you wish PM me and I can try to help you with the coloring

I see no important mistakes in the drawing,
the pose needs a wall, cause it is losing balance, nothing else to complain

again, great drawings, keep doing it.
Thanks everyone for the awesome cnc!
Btw Nesoi this is a Wip so the shading is not finished yet.