Its time to turn this thread into PC tech support and hey doesnt that kinda go with our clan nameLol
Official Pro Leg Grabber /[Team Aikido]
Originally Posted by EonXeon View Post
Its time to turn this thread into PC tech support and hey doesnt that kinda go with our clan nameLol

xD come join Electric, home of the uber nerds and rich people who spend money on giant pcs theyll only use for 1-3 years.
But hey we got all the witty jokes and all the inactive people, (even tho its prolly just me and my timezone)
eh nvm im pretty sure this clan is pretty inactive ingame, but forums is an iffy.
only 1 post for 5 days after mine, gj [e] for actually going to school and not playing video games all day
xD some of us here dont even play ingame anymore, we just look on forums : 3
How about that Trump win babeeee! XD
Now I don't feel like I need to buy a handgun anymore.
<3Kaito = Best Minimalist sets<3
Originally Posted by Applejack View Post
How about that Trump win babeeee! XD
Now I don't feel like I need to buy a handgun anymore.

xD america and your gun control and politics and 2 party system.
*cue the sound of a nuke exploding, idek what the onomatopoeia would be for it*
maybe カッブウウウム
or maybe フイップ パドドドドドドブウウム

eh but relly i heard people in america can own machine guns and like tanks n stuff
xD but you can still have an actual tank that is like 20 tons and can run over anything?