Well the app seems a bit lazy. Perhaps if you make a better one we will consider.
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
Hello, my name is Artem, in game xXjokedXx. Maybe I'll start immediately. I'll try is on the forum so far as I can. I a second dan. I want to join your clan because me offered to do it Merc. I am 14 years old. Previously, I was not in any clan. I will try to help your clan than I can, new players or TC.
Hi my name is alximikrus real name is Dima I'm from Ukraine I'm 13 years is not bad speak in English in toribash playing 1 year I have 9dan black belt liked the game freedom of action and mechanics.Was previously in the clan union and orion kicked out due to the fact that little time spent in the game I currently play every day and will be able to participate in clan wars.Want to join the clan to find a good company!
Short apps but understandable since your primary language is Russian. Both accepted, zdarova na FC ii ya magu gavaru na russki ne mnoga.
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
Hello my name is nicolas rickard I play every night at toribash because in the daytime I do not walk so well I am 8 dan in toribash I miss little to get to 9 I live in argentina in the first clan that I met was weed after they left almost all did not connect Both the last clan I was to veto I left the clan because people were not so good and I am 14 if you accept me in the clan I will help in everything I can and I will try.
I love boxshu and aikido
You are obviously new to forums but you seem to have a nice personality so you're in. Inviting. Welcome to FC.
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
So I was gonna bus' a nut all over my application, but after doing some personal reviews on the previous applications I think it's safe to to do a smaller app .
Hey Zen, you kinda know me so ima just throw shit down:
My name is Bronco and I am 16 from NewZealand, if you don't know where that is; it's a small little country near Australia<btw fuck that country -_-.
I play ABD and aikido and everything else on toribash pretty much.
My steam is wiliamhexdan (shitty name- I know).
My discord is...shit...idek... I think it's +Plus ? shieet you'll see me somewhere in public... pretty sure we already friends on there anyway -_^?
So yea... FC seems cool and everyone seems pimp so wtf...
And yea your a cool dude zen so that's also a reason I wanna join :V
how bow dah
If I didn't already know you I'd ask a bigger app but get in here haha. Also a few things. Ik New Zealand I am a geography buff, nice signature & welcome to FC. Also your name is like a BattleBot lol.
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
Hey! The reason I want to join Fight Club Is because I miss being with clans capable of moving up the leader boards and I like the quality I've seen in the clan.
I believe I can help the clan stay motivated to war and I know a lot of people who would gladly war if I asked.
I am currently a black belt on this account.
I am GMT +00

I'm currently best at ABD but if I get back into Lenshu3ng I'm in a league of my own.
My alt is TwHunger 4th Dan With experience playing for Nitro and Horde.
I didn't know anyone in the clan and I was not recommended.
Green for reals.
The only N word I say is Naruto and that's on god my n*****.