Originally Posted by Hug View Post
what's going on in my life.

you got infracted for a post and you're upset about it
Originally Posted by Demon View Post
you got infracted for a post and you're upset about it

Bitch pls have you seen my infraction history? I'm not usually creating a thread after an infraction, the reason is a bit deeper than just a regular infraction. You'll never guess what it is.
Last edited by Hug; Dec 11, 2016 at 07:55 AM.
Na the art rules are pretty dumb tbh. They need a little more leeway like the replay board
Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18
no i haven't seen your infraction history
i have 9 pages and i'm fine with the rules

just don't post on the art board ever and you're good
Originally Posted by Mack View Post
Definetly bad day.

Originally Posted by Demon View Post
no i haven't seen your infraction history
i have 9 pages and i'm fine with the rules

just don't post on the art board ever and you're good

Oh WOW "Just don't post on the art board EVER" oh wow, speciflake pls no.
I understand that your ego is fine with telling other people what they shouldn't do but kid pls I am artmaker and there are a lot of my threads in the art section which I created back in time. Just don't tell unco what to do, never ever, don't be an ugly shitty nerd who's not respecting a freedom of speech, there is enough old retards like me who thinks that rules in toribash are totally brought from an ass. (cheers to RedPanda, my boi).
I'm actually practicing my poor english skillz when I'm flaming cuz there are always a lot of themes to talk about, this is the only reason I'm still answering to you, my kid. What's the point of respecting a rules if you have 9 pages as you said before? I haven't said that I'm proud of my infractions (some of them are not even mine teehee), I said that if a regular infraction could hurt my feelings I would post everytimne I'm getting infracted. Can you see the difference between my appeal to your logic an your cheap bravado of your tons of infracts.
Last edited by Hug; Dec 12, 2016 at 08:42 PM.