Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Giving the "Forum clans" a reason to war.
The ranking system should give us something when we reach some ranks
and take it away when we lose that rank
Preferably something that's on the forums.
Because if it gives us something ingame, then the "Forum clans" still don't care.

Would be cool if rank 1 had something nobody else had
and rank 2-3 had something the lower ranks didn't have.
etc etc
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.
How about on top of a donation to your clan bank or items or something, you get a clan forum badge. Everyone in the clan has the badge on their forum profiles and it is shown in their posts and possibly as an avatar next to where the "head" avatar goes in game. However there is a catch. If you lose rank 1, the forum badge is then transferred to the clan that has obtained rank one. Kinda like a king of the hill type thing.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
yes, giving clans who dont care about the game ingame items if they start caring about the game, great idea.

fates' idea is alright, but I really doubt it would make forum clans any more interested in the game
The prize has to be forum related & not tc/items
Clan Donation doesn't work because it has to be something like "King of the hill" Type of prize
You can't take away donations/tc/items after they lose the rank.

I don't know much about what people want the most
But if the admins know what the forum active clans want the most
They can give more of that if they reach a higher rank

This way the in-game clans will probably care more about the forums because they have something cool they can use.
And the forum clans will be more in-game because they want to get it for their forums.
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.
I like the idea, but if this happens to be implemented the ranks of all clans should be reset to 0 to give everyone a fair chance.
It's not fair. because new clans would have to grind for months to get to 1st place and clan that is in 1st place currently would get the prizes at first with no effort for it whatsoever.
It's the same as personal rank prize currently. If the ranks wouldn't get reset someone would eventually get so ahead that it would be impossible to catch up
What about elo kinda system? If a clan with 0 wins beats 1st, they'll get a massive boost in the rankings, or something similar.

Apathetic User
Originally Posted by Smaguris View Post
It's not fair. because new clans would have to grind for months to get to 1st place and clan that is in 1st place currently would get the prizes at first with no effort for it whatsoever.
It's the same as personal rank prize currently. If the ranks wouldn't get reset someone would eventually get so ahead that it would be impossible to catch up

Nobody got rank 1 easily.
The only difference is that they tried before
If you want what they have, you try as hard as they did.
This is only my opinion.

Reseting ranks will be no loss to me, but i don't think the rest will be happy about it.
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.