clan update: the official name for our members is "nippa", derived from "nippon" and "nigga"
In other news, we remembered that we're old enough to become official now. That means we need to start posting to get official. We have a decent amount of people post on the forums occasionally, but we need to get those numbers up and rising.
Two things are going to happen now:
1- Topics. We're going to have different conversational topics, often relating to the game, announced here every day or so. Of course, you can still post about stuff outside of the topic. This is mainly so that, if you have nothing to really post about, you can still contribute a meaningful post into the thread.
2- Discord reminders. We're going to post an announcement every once in a while reminding people to post on the thread. Discord takes away a lot of conversation from our clan thread, which is often detrimental to clans. However, I hope that these reminders will allow people who aren't normally forum active to join conversations and help us get and maintain an official status.
There's two things we need before we apply:
1- 50k in the bank. This shouldn't be too hard to get, but if we get the second thing we need and still don't have it, I'll buy some tc. I already spent like 40 bucks on this game in the past couple weeks, though, so please don't make me spend more. Donate to shitnobi!
2- Active conversation among all or most of our members. We're a pretty big clan. We need at least 10 people active on our thread to get official, but I'm sure we'll be able to crush that. Make sure to check here often!
Thanks, guys. Let's pass the next step into making (n) a better clan. I know we can do it easy. I can already feel the brackets.
I encourage you to subscribe to this thread under the "Thread tools" tab on the top right! It'll make it a lot easier to keep up with posts.
first conversation topic: Dueling. What's your opinion on it, and got any stories?
Last edited by Kahn; Apr 3, 2017 at 11:40 PM.