Jackpot Servers
I am an avid CS:GO player. I gamble my skins from time to time, and like to play Jackpot. There are plenty of gambling methods, but Jackpot is one of my favorites.
I was thinking of this idea, how about Jackpot Servers? Instead of it being random obviously, it'd go a little like this;
Once every hour, day, week, or month, whatever the preferred interval is, there would be a Jackpot event. This could be automatic, or done by an ES, either or. What would happen is, to enter the event, you'd have to pay an amount of TC. This amount would have to be set in stone, unlike actual jackpot, as "chances" of winning in toribash are virtually impossible to calculate. So, it'd go something like "Please send 1,000 Toricredits to "Jackbot"
see what i did there to be entered into the Event." And then, once the TC is sent, they would be allowed to join.
After the process of getting players to join and play is over, and the event actually starts, it would be like a normal ETourney. Player v Player in x mod, winner gets knocked to the bottom while loser gets fspecced. Once you lose, you lose your chance to win the ultimate Jackpot, as well as your TC that you put into the Jackpot. Obviously, the player who comes out on top gets the entire jackpot.
Additional pro of this method; it doesn't spawn TC into the economy, rather just uses players TC.
Another thing I was thinking about was the possibility of using items in place of Toricredits. Players could use items, and maybe have a set worth that the items have to be? For instance, if the minimum TC required to join was 1,000 Toricredits, the item would have to be
at least worth 1,000 Toricredits.
Let me know what you guys think! :)