Original Post
Download Speeds?
Hey, I am bored and got nothing to do so I tought I would ask what everyone's download speeds are.

I got new internet yesturday and it took 11hrs yesturday and another 5hrs today to set up but I don;t care any more because I downloaded a game and my speed got up to 885 KB/S! :O

It may not be fast for some of you guys but I am like so happy about this internet =D

So anyway, what are your speeds?
mine averages about 1mb per sec :P but dips to about 400kb/s.
Lol, sometimes it acts up and suddenly goes at 10mb/s...(happened once... for a 5 seconds)
Uhm my connection is 300 mb/s
Downloads at 10mb to 150 mb per sec ^^
RelaxAll was life. Feels bad to be an oldie.
this is unfair...

i know about hiiiiiiigh-speed connections anywhere in the world, but we (in germany) wount have that so far

i´ve had a top-download with 2,6 mb per second...
but at default i have like 1 mb/s

my dl speedi s 250kb

FU little village in the nowhere! xD

I have fastest internet in the next few kilometres around me :O
lol thats one of the slowest connections you can have xD
in allmost all villages we do have atleast 1mb/s ...
where the fuck do you live haha
OH well. Tastes-Nice, I wish I had at least 1/4 of your internet speed [this you mentioned in first post] -.-

This changes from 60 to 140, lol.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
mine is between 300 and 500 KB/s ^^

not as fast as the download time from the most of u but also not the slowest(am i right nobuddie ^^?)

@donkor......1 (150 mb !!? )
pwned by white belts:∞ times
sold my soul for 80 tc to this guy :3
mh the download speed should be tested on a speedtest-side
cause the most servers just have slow upload-speeds, so you dont see your highest possible download-speed