For one I said most are kids, I for one am 18 and I know people older too. I'm also not basing this off wobbles, I'm basing this of the internet at this point. When you give someone a wall like the internet they will take advantage of that, and in person most people would act different to what they do on the internet. I try to be a nice person, but people tell me I'm too nice, just because I don't want to act a little rude to joke around, doesn't mean I'm too nice, it's just me. :P
Also, I do quite like the community, it's the only community I know that won't really bash on one person constantly, it also is a smaller community though, so that may have something to do with it. Since it's a smaller community we tend to band together easier and not have tons of groups of people messing with other groups.
I'm sure this has typos, because im on a phone, so, whatever. XD