My name is Deviljho22 but soon enough my Toribash IGN will be changed to ZamasuBlack.
My Steam Link is here:
My Skype is the same as my Steam Username.
My Sub-Name is Vortex so if you would like to call me that go ahead, but you can name me what ever you want I don't mind (Don't abuse this).
I am a 10th Dan and Founder of Skull but I gave leadership to another person in that clan.
I am 14 years old. The reason why I want to join this clan because It seems pretty good and one of my friends are in it (Trestet) though I don't know yet if he considers me as a friend. I have been playing this game since Jun 13, 2014 and discovered it sometime after my birthday (June 4). My Timezone is EST (Eastern or Pacific Time, I don't really know which, sorry.) and I live in the USA. I am mostly kind and at times, always determine to win (It depends on who is my opponent's personality.)
That is all I have to say about myself and I hope this application will be accepted. If not I won't mind, I mean there is still times you will fail but you can always try again and might succeed.