unfortunately i havent been able to sk8 because of certain circumstances which makes me really sad

i miss you ocean
that's a tragedy! when i went skating i tried to land a 360 pop shuvit but i shinned myself and it hurt. I stopped skating for that day after that cus i was not happy that i got a shinjury.
i once broke my leg while sk8ing and you know what i did?

just kept on sk8ing because a sk8r never gives up sk8ing

i miss you ocean
I've amazingly never broken a bone ever, I've green stick fractured my wrist from basketball but that's the worst I've ever injured myself!

i broke my skateboard really quick

then i tried rollerblades
that was fun but it always hurt my ankles

Apathetic User
im a little girl inside

do you have something against little girls mr parrot

Apathetic User