Original Post
(qqq) quest

what do we quest for? dunno.
who do we quest for? nobody, just ourselves.
why do we quest? because we want to.

and damn if we don't succeed with whatever it is we're doing.

friends of the quest:
everyone except celn

the wavy book of tricks

as adventurers, we need money to fund ourselves.
currently the best way of doing so is walking up to people on the street and telling them that if we do a fancy backflip they have to give us a dollar.

tedious, but it works.

adapted from some other group that organizes tricks idek
tricks that are links are completed, and have replays linked to them. tricks that aren't links haven't been done, and are able to be completed.

Last edited by holez; Jul 1, 2017 at 05:09 AM.