I feel like this thread is going to will up with me thanking Hassan every time he does a war (which is stupidly often). Anyways congrats xD

Thank you Eddy for the encouragement and support. Glad to have you on board.

anyways Nate that was nice. I'll always be impressed by sparrers who manage to stay close and still look good. I mean you're rusty and it's obvious but you've gotten much better in the couple of weeks that you've been back

ive posted this replay in a couple of places and although it's not that nice, it's an achievement so be proud of me fuckers

tf 10 cork chaining (ignore the last 3 corks or so)
Attached Files
eight cork chain.rpl (385.0 KB, 9 views)
Climbing like you've never seen before (parody of xlr84life's thread):
nice job rue, the start looks a little off, but the rest is nice and fluid maybe next time you should try to a hypercork to finish it off, just something different at the end as variation ( idk, i suck at tricking anyways)

i'm looking to have a semi realistic set made up, does anyone know someone who is active enough to make it? price doesn't matter to me
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord
thanks for the truth, mag with your cork replay i really have nothing to say besides it was fluid as hell and gj.

and hassan, youre a beast lol
wow nate just said my tricking replay was good what has the world come to

hassan has been called something along the lines of "a beast" about 3 times

Originally Posted by Karbn View Post
i'm looking to have a semi realistic set made up, does anyone know someone who is active enough to make it? price doesn't matter to me

calamity is till active and set making. he's currently making something for nulu and after that a couple other people but if you like his art style and his prices aren't that bad then you should definitely pm him

any idea what you want it to look like?
Climbing like you've never seen before (parody of xlr84life's thread):
cna i joinN
Glad to see you guys taking care of things and building your own army <3
I came here to wish you all luck
<3 love and peace bbys
Never inactive, just slow sometimes.
bulldoboy 4 life <3

Originally Posted by MagnusSol View Post
calamity is till active and set making. he's currently making something for nulu and after that a couple other people but if you like his art style and his prices aren't that bad then you should definitely pm him

any idea what you want it to look like?

i'm looking for something pretty similar to swexx's set, or zeker's or flash's. something semi realistic, but with a slight cartoonish undertone. i think swexx's set matches what i'm looking for perfectly
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord
CONTEXT IS REQUIRED but forums are PG sooo uhm


pics that karbn was talking about cause we all know he's secretly gay

first pics of me since i used to be in aeon like 3 years ago and i was a skinny little bastard

Climbing like you've never seen before (parody of xlr84life's thread):
in all fairness, you got some great pecs, also, why am i getting shade from a guy who had ice cubes literally up his asshole?

also replay because bitches
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xsparplatform.tbm (5.5 KB, 4 views)
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord
why ice cubes? lmao.

also good luck with your fancy smancy guild here.
Twin Moderated Message:
Thanks Gold bby <3

Also it's a long story and it was NOT my decision.

karbn that replay was hawt now parkour with me
Climbing like you've never seen before (parody of xlr84life's thread):